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What's a wakeboard

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What's a wakeboard Empty What's a wakeboard

Post by DELESQUE Léo Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:02 pm

Wakeboard is a board (resembling a surfboard) that is used to ride over water while being pulled behind a motorboat.
However, it's not that simple Exclamation Exclamation Mad

Like water skiing, which most people are at least familiar with. But what is the difference with skis ?
The main difference is that instead of skis, the boarder uses a single board (like a snowboard) with bindings. Wakeboards are shorter in length than snowboards and slightly wider.

Regarding the boat, it is similar to a water ski boat except that the boat is heaver, has a different shape (to create a larger wake) and has a tower or a pole to which the rope is normally mounted. For those that cannot afford wakeboard-specific boats because they are very expensive Crying or Very sad , larges sacks filled with water can be used to increase the size of the wave behind the boat, which will allow to perform tricks by jumping.


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What's a wakeboard Empty Re: What's a wakeboard

Post by Admin Thu Feb 12, 2015 7:26 am

Where do you do wakeboard?

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What's a wakeboard Empty Re: What's a wakeboard

Post by DELESQUE Léo Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:49 pm

I do wakeboard during the summer period in the estuary. According to the conditions I go or towards Royan, Mescher or still has Soulac in front of cranes ! Cool


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What's a wakeboard Empty Re: What's a wakeboard

Post by Admin Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:55 pm

Have you ridden the bore wave ( the big tidal wave that comes down the estuary each year)?

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What's a wakeboard Empty Re: What's a wakeboard

Post by DELESQUE Léo Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:07 pm

Not yet, but soon i hope !


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