Russian food
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UP English :: 2022/2023 :: CEPE M1 :: M1 Group A
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Russian food
Hello everyone! :D
Today I will to talk about Russian. I know that at the moment the Russian representatives give a very bad image of Russia.
But the population is good people and the russian food have really tastes good.
In Russian, they mainly eat soup,which they accompany with dark bread and fresh cream.
The soups are prepared with garden vegetables and meat. My grandmother prepares every summer tasty canned vegetables who use for the soups or salads.
This soup doesn't mix like French soup. It serves with bouillon like Asian soupes.
My favorite Russian food is pelmini and Pirojki.
Pelmini look like ravioli with a lot of meat inside. They are cooked with pepper and laurel leaves. It's to serve with the bouillons and a spoon of fresh cream. They also exist with cabbage, potatoes or fresh cheese.
Pirojki is a bread which the textures between bread and salt donuts. There are insides meats, vegetables, mushrooms or cheese.
I hope this has made you hungry.
Elise F :star:
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Re: Russian food
A Russian restaurant opened in Soulac a couple of years ago but I was so disappointed that their menu only had 1 Russian dish and everything else was "posh" French dishes.
UP English :: 2022/2023 :: CEPE M1 :: M1 Group A
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