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Football Game

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Football Game Empty Football Game

Post by Grondin Mathias Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:16 pm

This week, it's a cup game.
We played against Saint Angeau, we have 2 levels high of them, so, on the paper we are the favorite team of the game, but on the pitch, it's not the same story, for the first moment of the match, our central defender does a mistake, in fact he provocated a fault in the goal area, it's penalty. The striker take is responsability and send the ball at the bottom of the netsof purpose. 1/0 for Saint Angeau, the tone is given, the game will be hard.
But we know our qualities, and we take advantage of that, to scored 2 goal, and win the game. We will just remember the victory, and the difficulty that we can know when we does some mistakes against this type of teams.

Grondin Mathias

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Football Game Empty Re: Football Game

Post by Admin Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:30 am

Was it really St. Angeau or was it St. Agneau and you were playing against a team of sheep?

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