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Football Game

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Football Game Empty Football Game

Post by Grondin Mathias Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:22 pm

This week i've played football game with the 19 years, it's the last category of young in football.
We played in Montmorillon, we have 2 hours of road, and it's very long, because the road isn't good.
We are just 12 players against 14 players so we have already a handicap, but in the pitch we have a better motivation than them, so, we scored the first goal, we are really well enter in this game.
In spite of this good beginning, we let the team played and we take one goal, and one player of our team take a white card, so he was exclud 10 minutes.
Before the half, we scored a second game, and we are really happy, but, at the end of the party, our goalkepper does a mistake, he does a fault in the goal place, so it's penalty.
We finish the game with a draw 2/2, we are very sad of this bad scored for us, because we have the place to win it.

Next story the next week.

Grondin Mathias

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Football Game Empty Re: Football Game

Post by Admin Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:30 am

I didn't know that they used "white" cards.

It's a good idea.

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