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APP - Luca

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APP - Luca Empty APP - Luca

Post by Luca Maroleau Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:34 pm

To start the APP work I think this can be interesting to deal with the world actuality, so maybe for many week I a gonna work on different subject such as the economy, sport, politics, ecology and science. And after my research i am gonna summarize and give you informations about the world.
First of all, let me introduce the economical war between China and United States of America. This war started in March 2018 when Donald Trump increased rights customs on steel and aluminium for many countries whose China in order to “protect USA economy”.
In April 2018 the Middle Empire counter attacked by overtaxing American goods.
The war started.
The two oppponents didn’t stop here and they spreaded the war in a racing to be the best in technology through the development of artificial intelligence, the e-commerce (war between GAFAM and BATX), UAV, geolocation and telecoms sectors.
The final goal of this war, be the world leader.
Recently USA announced they want to prohibit access to Tik Tok and We Chat (two Chinese companies). The only argument of Donald Trump (without real proof), he accused them of industrial espionage on behalf of Beinjing. Huawei too was excluded by the USA in order to avoid them access to American technology.
China response, very recently they establish mechanism that will allow it to restrict activities of foreign companies. And they announced the introduction of punishments such as fines, a restrictions on activities but also the restriction of the entry of equipment and personnel into China.
LeParisien: https://www.leparisien.fr/economie/la-tension-monte-entre-la-chine-et-les-etats-unis-20-05-2019-8075550.php

Luca Maroleau

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Post by Luca Maroleau Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:58 pm

Once again, we find ourselves in order to talk about world news. Today, I want to talk about positives things. Indeed, one has the impression that only negative news or controversial things happen in the world. At first, I thought it was the truth but it's not so difficult to find positive news. And yet this is indeed the case especially in France! I actually spent 20 minutes finding positive information and this one is not so positive. This is the reason why today I gonna deal with two informations.
The first one concerns wild animals in travelling circuses and dolphinariums. Although I understand how hard this decision will put the circus world, the different dolphinariums and their employees (who find the 8 million euro plan ridicule to help them), I am totally agree with the decision of Barbara Pompili to delete the using of wild animals to enjoy people in circus. We must stop that! Even if some of them take care of their animals, if they love them, they should understand that their living conditions are not suitable for them! Today, we are aware that we have to stop disrupt the nature and keep wild animals and their environment in the best possible conditions. So prohibate wild animals in circus is one of the frist step to help them.
Sources: https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2020/09/29/les-animaux-sauvages-dans-les-cirques-itinerants-et-la-reproduction-d-orques-et-dauphins-en-captivite-vont-etre-progressivement-interdits_6054017_3244.html
Then, in second time. Let me talk about one thing wich gonna surprise you and prove one more time that Finland is really advanced on many subjects. As you know the world crosses health crisis with the coronavirus. One of the problems faced by countries is the detection of coronavirus. In Finland they found a better solution than the PCR tests. They used dogs! In effect the dogs are able to smell Covid 19 with just 100 molecules in contrast with PCR test than can found Covid 19 with a minimum of 18 million molecules. This technique is used in Helsinky airport, after getting off the plane and collecting their luggage, volunteer travellers are invited to go to a cabin, put gauze around their necks and lock it in a jar. The cloth is then passed to the dog for analysis in an adjoining cabin. If the dog shows some signs which said this is positive, the passenger has to do PCR test and the dog is rewarding. This method is still a test but it has the merit of being quick (10 second for one test), effective for the moment and doesn't need a lot of money.
Source: https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/En-Finlande-chiens-dresses-detecter-Covid-19-2020-09-29-1201116665

Luca Maroleau

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APP - Luca Empty Re: APP - Luca

Post by Luca Maroleau Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:05 am

When we are in class, we had the occasion to talk about a documentary on Netflix entitled “Behind your smoke screens”. This documentary is presented by different people who participated at the foundation of different companies which today are the most important on the net such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and so much more. These people pay attention to the danger of the mobile phone and especially the techniques used to buy our attention.
Indeed in this documentary we can see that nothing is left to chance and all is think to have our attention because the more time we spend on social networks the more they can collect information about us and thus create a detailed profile about us.
This profile will then define a programme that will give us certain information more easily than others in order to control us and finally this programme will offer us advertisements that we might like.
This has the sole purpose of making more money to these companies , in the end we become nothing more than zombies used by big companies to make money.
To show this, the documentary draws a parallel with a short story in which we can see a young man totally controlled by his phone who gradually puts himself in a position of danger for himself and his family, all because his phone was always offering him more and more revolting information about society while excluding him from it.
To finish I want to talk about my relation with my phone (this is weard to name this a relation but we can called that like this), at start I tought I am not so addict to my phone, in effect, I not use all the time my phone and since lot of time I use the philosophy in wich we has to really and totally enjoy the moment in wich we are. I think this is the case yet, but Apple give us the possibility to see how many time we spend on our phone and each week I am surprise because I spend around 4 hours per days on my phone. On 24h hours I spend 4 hours this is so consequent! Furthermore even if each week I spend nearly the same time on my phone I think I spend less time on it. Moreover, after I watch this documentary I realized that I took my phone all the time on me even though I just go to the toilet for exemple. So since this watch I decided to reduce my time on my phone to 2h per days and try to stop use my phone and just let my mind fill in the moments when I do nothing.

Luca Maroleau

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APP - Luca Empty Re: APP - Luca

Post by Admin Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:17 am

Really interesting Luca, thanks.

Can you imagine if some of the students in my class worked on their English for 4 hours a day every day of the week!

Dimitri would be bi-lingual before the end of the year. Very Happy

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APP - Luca Empty Re: APP - Luca

Post by Luca Maroleau Sun Nov 08, 2020 3:20 pm

Since the start of the confinement, i asked me, how i will have enough money to do my future studies.
This question was the starting point for the discovery of the world of finance ( especially in france).
So i will present what i understand during me research.
First of all, i want to do the promotion of a french Youtube channel ( i know in english this could be better for my homework but this is enough hard to understand yet) it name is Heu?reka , in these videos one guy plays two roles, the role of a lambda man and another one who explain to him, how the world of finance works. Even though this would be at first sight difficult he explains very well and each video completed the other.
Anyway, back to the world of finance.
At first we have two categories the privates individuals and the companies. These two actors works in pair, indeed, the private individual by buying something give money to the different companies, conversely the companies gives money at private individual through the incomes ( wages, interests, rents, dividends, ...). The pib is calculate by to way either thanks to the amount of money spent by the privates individuals or the second way by the incomes paid at the privates individuals by the companies.
A third actor come in the equation and his name is the state, he has the role to taxes the comapnies and the privates individuals but he spend the money either to do some works such as rebuild a road ( so he paying a company) or else to pays pensions, allowances or by paying the civils servants for exemple.
Unfortunately, this closed circuit is too easy so he doesn't stop here. Indeed, when we have money we don't spent the totality and we put a certain amount of money in the commercial bank the companies and the states do the same thing but these economies block the smooth flow of money between each of they.
The commercial banks has the role to re inject the money in the circuit they have different ways by the credits or by give the access at investments funds and then they funds can invest on the financial market ( this is my favourite part) . Then the states and the companies can need a big amount of money so they need produce debts by the way of bonds for example or create propriety title ( shares) . The money is reinvest in the circuit.
In this presentation i just talk about the primary market and i didn't talk about the international trade. So i let you the link of his channel if the subject interest you and if you want to deep the subject.

Luca Maroleau

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Post by Admin Sun Nov 08, 2020 8:35 pm

right I'm off to watch a finance video in French Laughing

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APP - Luca Empty Re: APP - Luca

Post by Luca Maroleau Sat Nov 28, 2020 11:39 pm

Even if the APP works are finished, i want to do this job in order to warm up before the exams in English. All the more so as i am not sure that i have done the works enough times.
Anyway, one more time i will develop a subject wich interesting me. This time, i don't know why but i became interested in the etymology. This thematics leaded me to watch a conference about the English language one more time on Youtube (what a wonderful tool). Well, i will explain and resume this video.
First of all, a larger parts of the english population (and maybe you) says that the English is the mix between German and Latin.
In fact, the language which influence the most English is French.
We can proof that thanks to the english history.
At first sight, what the english population says about the German influence on  English is true.
Indeed, in 450 the Angles and the Saxons who were barbarians invaded Britania (today is England). They imposed German which was their language. The only problem was they were illiterate. So, although the German has established itslef in oral discussions, it was not written. Moreover, the language was established itself was not the German but the old German. Therefore, we can see appearing words such as water, son, green or house (more or less 100 words was inspired by the old German).
Well, he has only a little influence because if we compare English with the today German we can't found any common grammar rules or vocabulary.
Now let's look at the relationship between english and french.
First and foremost, so as to give you a statistic idea of this influence we have to know that English count around 200 000 words, in this 200 000 words, 25 000 are French (same spelling, same sense), to this we can add all the derived words create by english people (for example large/larger, relation/relationship) thanks to them we can multiplicate the number by 2 or 3 the words inspired by French. To simplify we can say half of the English words come from French.
The reason why French has so many influence on English explained by history one more time.
In effect, in 1066, Guillaume le Conquérant Duke of Normandie invaded England. He had all the English aristocracy massacred and King Harold killed. After this horrific event, two languages coexisted the population language and the power language, knowing that all the written correspondence was done in French. All that during 350 years, during all this time new concepts were created then they had to put a words on it, and the French takes over. During all this period 10 000 words were feed English, such as age, art, dialogue, cousin, table or crime. Moreover all the military, aristocracy and government vocabulary is French.
However, after the Hundred Years' War, the Capetians realized that French was the opponent language. Consequently, they decided to come back in old English and latinize some French words sometimes badly, for example saliva, diploma, judge, atrocious or anonymous. All the verbs in the first group in French have see their ending transformed to became -ate (to decorate, to incorporate).
All this took place during the Middle Ages, but we can add 12 000 words during the Renaissance (words like alphabet, architecture, machine) especially thanks to Shakespear who used a lot of French words (he was much criticized for that by the way). Finally, during the XVIII, XIX, XX'th centuries 3 000 words were added.
To conclude, we can see the large influence of French on English, and i let you (if you want) see the end of the video to see how the conference master has classified all the French words present in English in his book, with the following link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OpfPyFwqus.
For the end, i just want to give to you a personal comment. I don't know why but when i saw this video i had the feeling that the French want to take credit for having "created" English. Then yes, the history seems put forward this important influence but i think we give to us too many merit in this subject and we are not sure that English would not have influenced French for a certain word rather than the other way around.

Luca Maroleau

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APP - Luca Empty Re: APP - Luca

Post by Admin Sun Nov 29, 2020 10:29 am

But isn't French based on Latin? And were the Normans French? Laughing

We often find in English that we have at least 3 words for everything one of them comes from the Norman conquest, one comes from "old English" and another is a "child's word". After work are you tired? or fatigued? or sleepy?

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APP - Luca Empty Re: APP - Luca

Post by Luca Maroleau Sun Nov 29, 2020 10:55 am

Of course French comes from Latin, I didn't say otherwise. And this is one more reason which confirm what i said, the French language appropriates merits that are not necessarily its own !
Concerning the Norman, i let you the chance to see the end of this conference. Because the conference master talked about the influence of Normans too.
No, i was not sleepy, all the more so as after the publication i had to work on another subject for the exams. Wink

Luca Maroleau

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