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Sport in my life

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Sport in my life Empty Sport in my life

Post by Rougeau Jérémy Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:43 pm

I'm going to tell you about sport I practice each week except school sport!

First week:

Wednesday, I played badminton with SUAPS. It was a weird session. I wasn'st really good in simple, but invicible in double. I practiced badminton for three years now.

Today (saturday), I had a motobike session with a friend. We made a three laps race. It was fun but my friend fell down in the last lap so I won easily.
I practice motobike since the age of three.

I also played target, a family tradition. My dad won 2-1, I was really bad, it's frustrating!

To finish, we decided with a friend to get our ticket for Barcelona Moto GP race, the 14th of June! I'm really enjoyed to discover a spanish race, a country of motobike world champions!

See you next week!

Rougeau Jérémy

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Admin Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:13 pm

I don't think I know target. What is it?

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Rougeau Jérémy Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:07 pm

I chose the bad word, it was darts and not target!

Rougeau Jérémy

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Admin Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:16 pm

Rougeau Jérémy wrote:I chose the bad word, it was darts and not target!

No problem, I know darts. It's a game we English like to play while we're drinking a beer.

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Rougeau Jérémy Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:26 pm


For this second week, I practice badminton on wednesday. I was good against the best but I had some difficulties against other players with a lower level, probably a problem of concentration. However, I won all my games so I was satisfied. I finished training with a big match against a friend, I gave all I had, so when I returned to my apartment, I go to bed immediatly to be well rested for english lesson.

On thursday, I went to strenght training with Franck. We were not in a good form but when girls arrived for training, motivation came back quickly and we finally made a correct session!

That's all for this week,
See you soon!

Rougeau Jérémy

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Rougeau Jérémy Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:08 pm

Hello !
I'm going to tell you what I did on this third week:

It was a difficult week because I have a big headache since monday. No

Wednesday, I went to badminton, like always, and I won a lot of matches because the best were not present so there wasn't big challenges. We were invincible in double with Adrien, a tall guy is always useful. Our strategy was to aim opponents head, a strategy in softness really successfull !

Tuesday, I went to strenght training where I did unusual exercices. I discovered new muscles and my shoulders were crying!

Yesterday, I watched two football games. I enjoyed Bordeaux victory against Evian but I was dissapointed seeing Real Madrid humiliated against Atletico...

See you next week!

Rougeau Jérémy

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Admin Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:15 pm

new muscles - always fun!

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Rougeau Jérémy Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:55 pm

Fourth week yet!
It was one of this week when you feel invicible!
To begin, last Sunday afternoon, I played darts with my uncle, my sister and my father. That is to say that it was the dream team. We play a game with darts called "criket". You have to touch three time a number to be able to score on. If every player touch three time this number, we can no more score on it. We can only touch numbers from fifteen to twenty and the bull's eye. If you touch all numbers three time and you have the highest score, you win! king  And so I won the four games we did with successfull (and lucky) sequence of bull's eyes, my speciality ! (If they are challengers, my best series is 8 bull's eyes following)

Wednesday to continue on my good form, I finished my badminton session at the first place. The finalist led and he had four match point, but I saved all and won the tournament!
I will not talk about my winning against Luc at mini-pool one hour before to preserve his honnour Wink

Rougeau Jérémy

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Admin Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:20 am


Have you played Clock Darts?

You have to hit the numbers in order and finsi hwith the bull?

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Rougeau Jérémy Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:58 pm

Of course I already played Clock Darts. It's a good training because you have to touch numbers that you don't try to in other games like 1, 2, 3...
I also played "billard" game with Darts. I don't know why it's called like that. You have to do twenty points, then nineteen, eighteen,..., to one. It's close from a reverse Clock but the difference is that you can make addition with many darts. For example, to do twenty, you can make a eighteen and a two.
I sometimes play "301" or "501" when I play with begginers. You have to arrive to zero first. I don't really like this game because lucky people who can't really played can beat you by doing a lot of lucky "triple". The best way is to do some "triple twenty" but when you're in a bad day all your darts go in the one or "triple one", three points, great...!

To speak about my week, It was a classic week with badminton and strenght training. I also practiced motobike this afternoon while the sun was shining. I enjoyed it. Moreover, my bike didn't want to start so she made me practice another sport: "pushing behind the motobike to help her to start". A good cardio and legs workout!

See you next week to tell you my sport adventure during vacations if I have enough time to practice!

Rougeau Jérémy

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Rougeau Jérémy Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:21 pm

Hello and welcome to the last chapter of "sport in my life"!

For this week of vacations, I did'nt pratice a lot of sport.
I just alternate running and strenght training: monday running, tuesday strenght training, wednesday running...
I enjoyed the two last days full of sun! I ride my motobike on morning, afternoon and even the night!
I also played darts with my dad. It was a success for me, even if he was saying at each dart:
"I'm going to disinherit you!".
To finish, I've been working on my car some hours to repair some little problem and to do the draining!
I hope you also have good holidays!

Rougeau Jérémy

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Sport in my life Empty Re: Sport in my life

Post by Admin Sat Mar 07, 2015 8:35 am

Rougeau Jérémy wrote:Hello and welcome to the last chapter of "sport in my life"!

"I'm going to disinherit you!".


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