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Alonso Ramírez
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Post by Admin Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:35 pm

For this first week I'd like you to write between 100 and 200 words on a news topic that interested you this week. It can be financial or general. Over to you. Write your reply, click send to post in this thread.

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Post by Paul NADEAU Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:50 pm

I decided to speak about tax avoidance in connection with the matters of HSBC private banking. In 2010 Hervé Falciani brings to light a list, which contains several names like Gad Elmaleh or the king of Morocco Mohammed VI for example. In reality 8.936 French peoples would be concerned. This list allowed to the French state to recovered 300 millions Euros. This tax avoidance is a big problem in France because the new international sport is to paid less tax in the origin country like the tax-dodger Depardieu. But here, we are only on a tiny part of foreign accounts held buy French. Because we speak only HSBC private banking and the accounts detained in Switzerland and not other tax havens. Today French peoples think they pay too taxes. But in reality it is a « good » thing because more we pay taxes and more we gain money. And after you can pay less taxes while staying in the legality and on the French territory and it is named fiscal optimization. And it is especially the job of the administrator of heritage.


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Post by Benjamin P. Tue Feb 10, 2015 7:00 pm

I decided to talk about tensions between Europe and Greece. With the election of Alexis Tsipras at the head of Greece, the whole Europe who gets scared. Indeed, Greek Prime Minister wants to renegotiate the terms of repayment of the debt of his country. The amount of the debt is 321 billion Euros. It's tomorrow that begins negotiations between the Greek government and its creditors ( European Union, BCE and FMI). Negotiations will be difficult with the reluctance of Germany. For Germans, Greece must honor their commitments to Europe. For Greeks, the situation is critical. Indeed, the support program by the IMF and the euro zone will end on February 28. And Greek government refuses help from the European Union (they refuse 7 billion Euros of additional aid). To sum up, Greece needs cash but they refuse help. Alexis Tsipras decided to ask the Germany to pay war indemnities from the Second World War. The amount will be 162 billion Euros. Of course, Germany refuses this proposition. The next day's look tense...

Benjamin P.

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Post by Alonso Ramírez Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:31 am

The elections in Grece, where the left party syriza wins, has the political and economic ambience in Europe agitated. The newly elected Alexis Tsipras has launched the renegotiation of Greece's debt, a start phase in his electoral campaign, and next wednesday 11 february will be performed a reunion of Eurogroup where it will define if austerity politics impulsed by Troika (european comision, european bank and IMF) continues or an alternative rescue plan which is the purpose of Greece's government. Hours before the meet, Angela Merkel from USA calls Greece's government to propose a sostenible plan, and in the other side, in Greece parliament the prime minister Tsipras says that the rescue plan for Grece It's question of logic plan, positions are defined but surely Greece's government becomes a referent to fight against austerity politics impulsed by Germany.

Alonso Ramírez

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Post by gbo64 Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:26 pm

For my presentation, I would like to talk about ASSECO.
ASSECO a 1901 law association grouping License students of the Economics Faculty of the University of Poitiers.
She works at the local and national, for example:
-The ASSECO is an administrator of AFEP (Federal Association of Students of Poitiers).
-The ASSECO is an administrator of ARES (National Association of Social Science Students).
What is this association? What is the first objective?
The first objective is to animate student life, to defend and represent the interests of students, help student life.
So that the events are created:
For the animation of student life, parties, galas, an induction day, sports events are organized.
Members of the ASSECO are elected (UFR CEVU, CS, and CROUS) in the ufr or university boards.
Otherwise to assist students with the corrected annals of previous years. in math and statistics courses are also organized by the ASSECO.


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Post by Admin Tue Feb 17, 2015 4:29 pm

Am I supposed to guess who gbo64 is?

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Post by gbo64 Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:21 pm

oh sorry it's guillaume borderon


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Post by Julien R Tue Feb 17, 2015 6:26 pm

To react to the message of alonso i think there are no desire from any of creditors to will to erase any greek debt. Maybe an other solution will be to cut the interest rate, and why not to stretch the repayment schedule out for much longer.
They mustn't forget that the last time of many deposits has flowed out of the banking system the european central bank stepped in with tens of billions of euros of emergency lending to stop greek banks collapsing. And since december 8 billion of € in deposits has flowed, the danger is not far and maybe that banks are again requesting help of EU.

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Post by Alexandre B Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:59 am

Last Saturday afternoon at 3 pm a conference was programmed on the following theme : "art, blasphemy and freedom of expression." This meeting includes several well-known persons like swedish artist Lars Vilks ( who became known worldwide and threatened with death for his muhammed's caricatures ), the leader of femen Inna Shevchenko and the Ambassador of France in Denmark François Zimeray.
30 minutes later, a man armed with a Submachine gun interrupted the meeting and dozens of gunshots were heard. A 40 years old man was killed and three cops was injured.
Next morning, Omar El-Hussein ,who is supposed to be the man responsible of this attack, was gunned down by the cops.

Alexandre B

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Post by Mehdi Lamri Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:23 pm

« Nature, le nouvel eldorado de la finance » is a french documentary released on Tuesday 3rd February 2015. it deals with the growing financialization of natural ressources. This new market is one of the most promising in terms of profit.
More and more finance corporation and inssurances attribute a cost to nature. It concerns for instance the Amazonian forest, as well as the pollination done by bees since m.
This is how banks and investment funds are buying huge natural areas rich in endangered animal and plant species. Monetised and financialized these reserves are then transformed into possibly speculative stock products.
By investing in these securities, polluting companies get "certificates of good conduct" that allow them to maintain other more nefarious activities.
The documentary depicts how natural environments and population can be threatened by those new practices
This raises questions about the legitimacy of certain lobbies who profit from the increasing scarcity of resources and the programmed disappearance of some species.

Mehdi Lamri

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