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Socks reflect a person's personality

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Socks reflect a person's personality Empty Socks reflect a person's personality

Post by efobert Tue Nov 08, 2022 10:25 pm

Everyday without in summer, we are wearing socks. We chose our socks according to what we want to show about ourselves. We don't chose the same socks for train our sport and for a date or for work. This little footwears can be small, discreet, neutrals colors , with laces or long, colorful with crazy motifs.
I developped a theory of socks. I think the socks can be reprensent the personnality.

The personnality:

There are people who take care of their image to rest elegent and chic. They wear invisible white or black socks for don't see them in their out fit.
Socks reflect a person's personality OIP

There are people who take care of their image too but to rest original and unique. They wear colorful socks with somestimes original motifs. They can wear long socks. They can choose two separate socks. This socks can to evocat a volonty to be different of the society or to show the childhood side of the person.

The socks can too represent a place like school with uniform in England or in Sport. In this place, Socks are a symbol of belonging to the school where you come from or the team where you play or support. We can to guess which sports team she likes or which school she attends.

The socks can be according to be diffrent and attract the attention of the press like a french politicain François Fillion.

Socks reflect a person's personality R.06631f36872d03584c07a079d8924a69?rik=Eh9m69j0CsLExg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fmeselegances.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2009%2f09%2fFillon_chaussettes_rouges_gammarelli_fil_ecosse_rome_roma_gamarelli

I hope my article about socks was be fun for we.
Good day
Elise F


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Socks reflect a person's personality Empty Re: Socks reflect a person's personality

Post by Admin Thu Dec 15, 2022 11:06 am

I always wear black socks and only black socks. When I used to play sport I'd wear white.

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