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Class 14/12/2022

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marie fourgnaud, Kelly Rajaona, Léonie, Emma Galan, Lucas
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cloe.delmarle, Hanae Khallouk Temsamani
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Total Votes : 7
Hanae Khallouk Temsamani
7 posters
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Class 14/12/2022 Empty Class 14/12/2022

Post by Admin Wed Dec 07, 2022 2:10 pm

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the delay in writing, been a bit under the weather since last lesson.

So what are we doing next week?

Number of choices:

1. Class as usual - DYM work towards the speed defence, Pack - reading comp, vocabulary type session

2. We all eat together in class from about 13h. Each bringing a little food to place on a central table for people to choose or not - bring own plate/cutlery - we'd need to arrange who would bring a main/dessert/drink (no alcohol!) etc... This could be followed by watching a film together (for those who wish to) I was thinking a comedy like Monthy python and the holy grail or Hot fuzz or dodgeball - cultural based comedy movies.

3.Small group discussion session - perhaps linked to a number of  "Christmas" themes.

4. some super suggestion that you have.

Sorry again for my tardiness.

Posts : 5167
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Join date : 2015-01-02


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Class 14/12/2022 Empty Re: Class 14/12/2022

Post by Admin Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:32 pm

Not sure why I only have 7 people making a decision.

Sometimes I think that my laid back, student oriented approach is detrimental to learning (okay I don't but sometimes I get depressed about reactivity).

Just in case some of you are thinking that you'll be able to skip the class because this isn't learning English, I'll explain.

A meal is the ideal way to practice Social English - which is probably the English you will use for at least 80% of your English speaking life. You will , of course, only be allowed to speak English whilst we eat and this will be the last time you all have the opportunity to be together sharing a final meal with your very own JC.

Watching a film - specifically a comedy film - helps not only oral comprehension but cultural comprehension. Once in two years isn't much.

Discussion - we've spoken about this ad nauseum.

Class work - imo the least interesting and least efficient option but there for those who are panicking about their speed defence (not that I've received any paper work yet)

Your choice - the ultimate student oriented learning option.

Posts : 5167
Points : 10584
Reputation : 53
Join date : 2015-01-02


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Class 14/12/2022 Empty Re: Class 14/12/2022

Post by Admin Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:32 pm

Times running out.


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Class 14/12/2022 Empty Re: Class 14/12/2022

Post by Admin Mon Dec 12, 2022 10:22 am

Okay, only 7 people gave an opinion Rolling Eyes . I've covered all those decisions below. Everyone needs to attend at least 1 of the sessions to be marked as present.

1pm to 2pm Those who wish to eat together bring something to share (perhaps for 4 or 5 people). We'll eat in S5. Bring your own cutlery and plate to eat from (we need to be a bit green). Would be nice if you could organise together for who brings a starter, main or dessert so that we have a mix to try.
2pm (approx) to 3:30pm(approx) Watch a film
3:30pm (approx) to 5pm (approx) Discussion groups

Posts : 5167
Points : 10584
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Join date : 2015-01-02


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