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Second semester 1st Discussion

julia durand
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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty Second semester 1st Discussion

Post by Admin Thu Jan 19, 2023 2:20 pm

Either write about your views on New Year Resolutions, or tell us which animal you would like to be re-born as and why.

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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty Re: Second semester 1st Discussion

Post by Clement G Thu Jan 19, 2023 4:45 pm

Hello everyone,
for this year I don't have any particular resolution,
but, I admit I would like to continue to progress in English to be as good as John haha,
and more seriously just succeed professionally and keep my friends and family with me.

And if I had to choose an animal to be reborn with, I would have answered a few years ago a sea turtle,
but with all the pollution in the ocean I'm changing my mind.
So now I'd like it to be a black crow, but don't confuse it with a "corbeau", I'm talking about a "corneille".
And if you ask me why, just know that this is my patronus.

bye have a good week

Clement G

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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty New resolutions

Post by selma Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:37 pm

According to a study conducted in 2016 among Americans, 41% of the population declared to make new resolutions and only 9% of them managed to keep them. For my part, I don’t even think about taking new resolutions.

First, I think it’s useless, I probably won't make it to the end of the year, so it's kind of hypocritical if I do.
Secondly, if you want to change something in your daily life, why should you always wait for the new year? I think it just means that you’re not really motivated and you take the new year as an excuse as if it was a new start but it doesn’t change anything eventually.
Moreover, I suppose that if you want to change something, you have to do it little by little, step by step. It is not by stopping your bad habits on January 1st while you were continuing them the day before, that you will be able to keep these new resolutions in my opinion.


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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty Re: Second semester 1st Discussion

Post by Admin Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:57 pm

Resolutions, objectives, aims, targets. I think they have a place in your life but don't need to be made on a particular day. Having said that, better then than never and it's "lunar" new year today.

As for rebirth I thought I'd like to be a Wolf but then thought of my dogs and said to myself, not a bad life before remembering all the sad lives dogs have too. I've always wanted to fly so I guess being a bird would be good, one of the few animals who can walk, swim and fly. finally I decided I'd like to be a tree, sitting in a forest watching and feeling the days change and observing the world. some trees can live 10,000 years. Yes Ten Thousand.

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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty Resolutions

Post by MaSerre Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:57 pm

Hi everyone!

Personally, I haven't made any resolutions for a few years now! They are just goals that you will not reach and at the end of the year you will just be sad to have done none of them.
You can have goals throughout the year and I find that's more achievable when you set them at the right times. We don't know how our year is going to go so why should we try to plan it?

For example:
Beginning of the year: in June I will start running.
Reality: In June you have a sprain or you actually want to learn to play piano!

You're just wasting your time and energy on planning your resolutions. And also, resolutions are often about becoming a "better person" but does that really make you happier?


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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty Re: Second semester 1st Discussion

Post by salomevanhulle Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:53 pm

Resolutions for the New Year.
For some people, starting a new year is a point to decide on new resolutions, objectives…
I like to think about some goals I want to achieve when I start a new academic year. Nevertheless, if you want to achieve your own goals you don’t need to start on the first of January. It depends on your motivation. You can achieve anything at any time. Consequently, any method is good, now I prefer to define my goals professionally and personally in September for the new school year. I can follow the evolution thanks to the school schedule (it means some point of reference).


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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty My no's resolutions for 2023

Post by julia durand Mon Jan 23, 2023 7:21 pm

for this topic I'll just tell you why I don't take resolutions. First I think we don't need to take resolutions because we will not hold them. I think resolutions are goals that we want to reach but there are often to much. In my case I know that if I have a goal that is to difficult for me to attain I'll be discouraged and give up. This is why I prefer to make littles goals, so every weeks I make a to do list in a realistic way. I think this is less stressful than resolutions and I'm more motivated.

julia durand

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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty My resolutions and my re-born animal

Post by Paul Astie Tue Jan 24, 2023 4:24 pm

I don't have resolutions for the new year If i re-born at the beginning I want to be a wolf, but there are not in a so good situation right now with climate change for example. I will be a crow because he adapts in a lot of place, he is smart. They have other advantage to like flying. I always want to fly and see the world this way. They live a long time, 10 -15 years. They can live close to the human and even adapt to them, so in the long way it's a good choice.

Paul Astie

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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty NY resolutions

Post by cgadouas Tue Jan 24, 2023 8:20 pm

Personally I don’t make New Years resolutions, I find a bit sad to wait for a new year to have the motivation to do the things you could have done way earlier.
You can do everything whenever you want, and not put up more hurdles than life already brings. Moreover, most people make resolutions to not stick to them.
In my opinion, I rather make a vision board at the beginning of the year to envision what I want to achieve that year!


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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty Re: Second semester 1st Discussion

Post by EliseB Tue Jan 24, 2023 8:36 pm

Hi everyone,

I don’t have any New Year resolutions. I think it’s kind of stupid to wait for new year to change, but I can also understand why some people do that. New Year can be equal to a new start. But I believe we can have a « new start » everyday of the year.
I have some goals for this year, but these are not some New Year resolutions. I just have some ideas of what I have to do, professionnaly talking. But my goals may change during the year.
So for this year, I just want to take care of the people I love, my family, my friends, my cat, me.. and that is it. But these are my everyday goals so yeah! I just hope this will be a good year for me, but even if it is not, I’m sure it will help me to grow so I’m fine with that!

Bye byeeee


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Second semester 1st Discussion Empty Re: Second semester 1st Discussion

Post by Leaaa Tue Jan 24, 2023 9:18 pm

Hi everyone,

To be honest, I tend to have the same new year resolution every years, so we can't say that I take it really seriously. It's to stop procrastinate and doing things at the last moment. Since I'm writing this at 21:15 on Tuesday, you can guess that I didn't follow my resolution. Once again.

About the animal rebirth, it would be a cat. I love cats, and when I see my cat everyday when I go to the Cepe, I'm kinda envious of his life. Sleeping and playing all day, with food, water and hugs when you want it, it does look like a perfect life to me.


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