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The race ... a difficult recovery!

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The race ... a difficult recovery! Empty The race ... a difficult recovery!

Post by Marion Bonnet Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:26 pm

Today I ran and it was now four months that I hadn't practiced a real sport !!!
So to be honest, I had the impression of being a person of 80 years who had smoked all his life. I had trouble breathing, my legs were shaking, and even with my athele I had knee pain.

Here is the session that I realized : 10 minutes pace race jogging, brisk walking 5 minutes , then 5 minutes of race before finishing with 10 minutes of walking.

30 minutes that seems sometimes take forever .....

Wednesday,I will run one more time, I realy hope that it will be better for me this time.

Marion Bonnet

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Join date : 2015-01-22

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