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Romann Dieumegard
Ribault Geoffrey
Nathan Raveraud
Leo Mimbielle
Poitou Baptiste
Emma Goichon
Hugo Daunas
Valentine Berron
lucas dollo
TIRET Cédric
Hugo Seugnet
Rouil Médéric
emma bony
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Post by Admin Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:53 pm

This week you chose travel? Where have you been? where do you want to go or not want to go? what was your favourite or worst destination and why? What are the advatages of travelling etc...?

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Post by emma bony Mon Oct 08, 2018 7:31 pm

First, travels are for us a way to discover ant to satisfy our curiosity. They allow many meetings, they allow us to learn the different customs and language of the countries around us. We can do specific activities of each place and visit the monuments of these. Traveling also allows us to taste dishes different from ours and différents flavors.
The journey teaches us human relationships and allows us an opening to the world. The trip gives us a feeling of freedom. Finally, they enrich us greatly and bring us some experience.
Me, I've travelled only in France, in differents regions like in Britain, in Auvergn, in Pyrenees ect... My prefer travel was in the Pyrenees we have seen many animals that I had never seen. We did a lot of treks with my family ans discovered some wonderful landscapes. I would love to go to Australia beause the fauna and flora are very rich. The beaches are heavenly if you forget the sharks Very Happy
But first of all, I think that we must first visit our country before waiting to go further because there is so many beutiful places in France that I still have to discover.

emma bony

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Post by Cloé Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:24 pm

I think travel is a very very important word. With him we can do a lot of things. Allow to discovered beautiful landscapes, different of your. . I really would like to go to Russia because i love the russian language and the different monuments that we can find there. Two years ago, I went to Italy in the Apulia and it’s really beautiful ! There is the sun, the sea… People bottom, are really kind and very funny. Last year, I returned to Italia but in Rome, Florence and Ostie this time. Italia is a very interesting country and people are very kind and generous. I think, if you can travel everywhere, let’s go because, there are so many beautiful places to be discovered, so many fascinating roads to be traveled, so many fascinating ways of life to be explored and of people wonderful to meet. Travelling favors the open-mindedness and an opening on the meeting between human beings and landscapes. Smile


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Post by Rouil Médéric Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:42 pm

The advantages of travel are the next. First, travel is the opportunity to discover landscapes of different Countries or regions of France. Secondly, traveling can be a time of sharing with the people we appreciate or with people we meet in our travels and make meetings.
I traveled in France, in the Pyrénnées, Languedoc-Roussillon, and the Côte-d’Azur. I also traveled in Spain more precisely in the Balearic Island, Italy (Roma Napoli) and Sicilia during a school trip. But my favourite travel is Portugal with my family and my best friend’s family where we were able to live memorable moments in a beautiful country. In the future, I would like to go back to Spain and Itali and go to United kingdom  to discover the different countries but mostly go watch the Premier league’s games in the mythical stadiums and club.

Rouil Médéric

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Post by Hugo Seugnet Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:39 pm

Traveling is part of my future goal. I already traveled with my parents when I was younger and today I want to travel with my girlfriend but we can’t because it's expensive. We want to go to Australia or thailand. Two years ago I went to Ireland with the high school an it was beautiful. I want to travel for work, because one of my dreams is to become a sports coach in the United states. Of my opinion, travel is a good thing when it done intelligently. For exemple, to discover another country or another culture. The world is vast, there are so many places that it’s impossible to visit everything in a lifetime. I want mainly travel in countries like canada, but to travel, I need money.

Hugo Seugnet

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Post by GAILLARD Marin Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:42 pm

Heyyyyyy, travel is probably one thing i like the most.. but i've not traveled as much as i wish.
My favourite destination is Spain, a wonderful country with a way of life that I love. I've been in a big part of Costa Brava (Barcelona, Gerone, Rosas, Empuria Brava, Platja d'Aro, Lloret del mar, San Felui de Guixols, Palamos, Cadaques, Montjoi), last year i've visited Madrid but only during 3 days so i will go back another time for sure. I've worked a month in Spain 2 years ago as monitor of Jet Ski in Empuria.
I've been to many other countries but my worst experience was Tunisia. I didn't like this country because it was very dirty. Every street looks like a dump, we can see rubbish every where. And Tunisian where attrack by the money of tourist, I felt aussaulted every day.
See u next week!


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Post by TIRET Cédric Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:20 pm

I've never really travel, I go in Saint Sébastien for a compétition of football, this is my only "travel". I want to go on Asian country because I love this culture and their food. For me the best destination is a little town in the countryside, to be alone whithout the sound of car, the worst will be in a big town because there will be too much people.

TIRET Cédric

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Post by AxelQuantin Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:55 pm

Hi !
For me travel lets you discover cultures, peoples, landscapes and disconnect from our everyday life.
When I was younger I traveled to spain, Tunisia and Morocco, in recent years I have discover Majorca and Scotland especially Edinburgh.
I really want to go to United States because this country makes me dream since I was little and because I like US sport and, I would like to go to New Caledonia to because the nature ans the see was really beautiful and because I have family who live there.
But I’m open to visit countries around the world but not cold countries because I like sun and heat.


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Post by BIRAGHI Ugo Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:25 pm

Hello, in my life, I have many travel with and without my family. I went in Italy, in England, in Spain, in Irland, in Switzerland, in Canada, in Congo, in the U.S in particular has New York and Mediterranean islands like Corsica, Sicily, Sardinia, Crete and Majorca. All the winter, I go to the mountain and I visited others regions in France. The places where I would like to go visit the countries of the Southern hemisphere and the Asian countries because it’s different from home and the places where no want to go are Afghanistan, Iraq,… because there are many war. My favourite travel is the Congo because the living conditions are very different and the culture and the landscapes are different from home. In my opinion, The advantages of travel are enables the people learn the humans values and know others language, cultures, persons,….


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Post by Vincent CHOLLET Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:36 pm

For me, the travel is something great; unfortunately I have not visited many countries in my life. I went to the four corners of France, and I went to Spain several times with my family, friends and school trips. I would like to visit new countries such as England in London, Germany in Berlin, Italy in Rome. But the country I would like to visit most is Thailand because their way of life, meals, dress are not the same as in France. The trip is something where we discover monuments, homes, different kitchens, unfortunately the downside is that it costs very expensive.


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Post by Jason-dmt Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:41 pm

Every one dream to travel around the world, it's one of things popular now, however, each of us make differents choices about way to reach.
But Why somebody like at any cost discover other thing ? Might be need to escape... may be human being feel suffocate, or he could only want to reassure himself.
In my mind, I think lightly differently, I see the travel as a fondation, something able to be expanded and changed also.
Indeed, change need to know himself, so travel is mainly a place to find our « Who I am ? ».
Of course, is my way of thinking, each must try to do her, that's simply what we name our freedom. Thancks.


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Post by lucas dollo Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:08 pm

Many peoples wants travel but sometimes is difficult because for this , it’s necessary to leave the comfort and the ritual of our country . personnaly i already left in espana and italia but it was not for a long time . i would like travel in united states , or in asian coutry while several months to realy discover an other culture and learn a new language . the east country do not attract me but if i have the occasion why not … i think , travel is the best things to do for the open-mindedness .

lucas dollo

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Post by Valentine Berron Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:59 am

For me traveling brings a lot. One learns new cultures, new languages, allows to go more towards the others, to become more creative ..
I went to Belgium, Spain and Poland. I really liked Poland I went to Krakow. I really liked this country, the landscapes, the people, their culture. When I went to Spain I went to Barcelona which marked me down is the Sagrada Familia. Finally when I went to Belgium I liked to drink Bier
I would like to visit other European countries, especially Germany, I would like to go to Finland and Sweden.

Valentine Berron

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Post by Hugo Daunas Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:39 pm

Travelling is the way to see how the life is in others countries in the world. But some people do not travel for that.
Indeed, many people trip to seek tranquility. They go in little paradise of the earth to relax and to enjoy life with the beach, villa and pool... It's mainly in the islands that we could find this type of people. (for example : Corsica, Sicily, Reunion Island ...)
But there is also trips whose goal is to visit the country, learn his culture, meet people and sometimes go out of his usual comfort to see how the life is in more difficult place in the world, like India, or African countries for example. This allows us to realize that not everyone lives in the same comfort.
Personnaly I've not travel a lot yet, only Spain and Martinique. But i would like to discove new cultures around world such as Asian and African countries like India, Thailand, Egypt... also the United States with New York, Italy, England and even more.

Hugo Daunas

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Post by Emma Goichon Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:03 pm

Hey Wink
The trip is often referenced to something concrete, such as for example traveling to Switzerland, but I think that the trip can also have a spiritual aspect. Indeed, when we listening to music, or watching a film we can be transported in another universe, another time. That’s why I will define, traveling as the action to surrender, or to be transported to another place.
I would now like to talk about my first "real trip". Two years ago I went to China. I think that, like everyone else, traveling makes us mature, transforms us and allows the continuity of the development of our open-mindedness. I was fascinated by the beauty of the place, the contrast between a modern China but always attached to its traditions, origins. I lived many adventure in a short time but it will mark me forever. Now I wish to travel to Nepal because I think that it’s a beautiful country which can bring me a lot as much physically as mentally and I would like a total change of scenery.

Emma Goichon

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Post by Poitou Baptiste Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:10 pm

I've never travel to any other contry but i would like to go to canada ,i don't know why but it's one of my project of life project.
The most long journey who i did was to go to paris some years ago whith my school classe.
Wen i was young i was on a scout group and with them i go to lot of random places in france but at the exeption of two ,all this place dosn't grave mi spirit becose they was lost in the midle of nower and the fun of theres camp was very limited.
I like travel but i think that wen i will be adult i will make a lot of jouney alone because of i want to keep their experience and their memories for myself.

Poitou Baptiste

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Post by Luc VOLPI Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:57 pm

Hey Very Happy , I have not traveled much compared to other, I went to Italy 5 times, why so much? Because I have Italian origins, (Volpi means "fox") I love this country, it is beautiful, very rich culturally, with churches and museums on every street corner if you walk in the big cities , and plans very diverse, I visited Roma, Florence, Milan, but my favorite city is undoubtedly Venice, to visit absolutely! I went to Portugal, to Lisbon the last summer, people are very kind and hospitable, and the landscapes are very pretty.
I also went to U.K in Cardiff in Wales for a school trip. This trip was very nice especially since I was with my friends, I visited Stonehenge, and beautiful medieval castles, I searched the Graal but I did not find it :/.

Bye ! Surprised


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Discussion topic 2 Empty Travel

Post by LucasWDM Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:36 am

Travel is probably as exciting than Scarlett Johansson for me (depending what she's wearing actually). If i could i would go everywhere, I've always dreamed about travelling worldwilde with a (girl)friend and meet incredible people and cultures, In my opinion travel makes the most beautiful social links..Meeting people that don't have the same life than you (offently harder than yours) teaches you the best life lessons and to be humble. Also, I could stay all night or all the day long watching landscapes rather than TV ou my smartphone, would be great.
Thaïland, Canada, and Japan, are the places that I wish I'll soon travel in.
So if anyone want to go with me


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Post by Leo Mimbielle Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:07 pm

Travelling is just the thing that i love to do! With my father we did so many destinations so i have a lot of memory! for sure, Sri Lanka is my favorite. The Sri Lankan culture is just amazing, it's all about the respect and the calm. I travel especially for the surf, and Sri Lanka is one of the most exciting place in the world to surf!! But the Costa Rica was very good to! I did Twelve time the maroc with my best friends ( in taghazout if you know ) Morroco is one of my favorite to now because i have a lot of friends. what else ? I did the bresil, Tahiti ( where i'm born ), England ( which was great ), venezuela and mexico. I really want to do the perou or Chile, i want to take my surf, the plane and go on a lost beachbreak with only my guitar and a little bit of water and yeah i think this is my definition of travel.

Leo Mimbielle

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Post by Nathan Raveraud Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:54 pm

Thanks to my middle school and high school I was able to do a lots of traveling during my scolarity with my classmates.
First, I've been to Germany many times (3 or 4 times I don't remember) with my school and I was very interesting because with the school we are visiting some very intersting monument like for example the Berlin Wall etc...
I've also been in the Erasmus+ project in my high scholl. I've made a "exchange" with a Sweden penfriend.So I've live one week with him in Sweden and then he came in France one week in my house.It was very interesting because we were able to dicover each others cultures,coutries,etc...

Nathan Raveraud

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Post by Joris Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:40 pm

Hello everybody, this week we have to speak about travel, GREAT ! This is obviously one of my favorite passion as I said last Week. Very Happy
To start with, this passion come from my parents, it is thanks to them that I could discover so many places, cities, countries, and that I love to escape far from home.
Besides, so far I have visited : A lot of Europeans countries (England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands,…), Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritius, Guadeloupe, Martinique and the United States of America (Both coasts).
I liked every countries, cultures that I discovered but for me, the American’s culture is so amazing, because it is actually a multicultural country, you can meet people who have origins from all over the world, so in a city like Los Angeles, San Fransisco, New York… all cultures are gathered, they share their traditions and therefore they live together. So when you travel there, you discover not one but a multitude of way of life, all different.
As far as I am concerned my favorite destination was the USA and above all the West Coast, because first I was able to visit huge and beautifuls cities that we usually see in movies, series,… (Las Vegas for example) but also the national parks ( Bryce canyon, Grand canyon, Sequoia Park, Death valley, Yosemite,…), this is just awesome !
But the thing that makes this trip my favorite, is that I was able to make one of my dream come true… I attended an NBA Game !!! Thursday, November 3, 2016, Staples Center in Los Angeles, Los Angeles CLIPPERS (with Chris Paul, Blake Griffin, DeAndre Jordan,...) vs Oklahoma City THUNDER (with Russell Westbrook, Staches Brothers, Victor Oladipo…).
Result ? Clippers : 83 ; Thunder : 85 ( with 35 points of Westbrook aka Mister Triple Double), small score but huge joy at the end of this match, engraved in my mind forever. Very Happy Basketball
To conclude, i love to travel, and in the future, I would like to travel to Australia for the extraordinary diversity of fauna and flora.
See you soon Smile


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Post by Ribault Geoffrey Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:59 pm

Hi Sir,
My grandfather traveled a lot. Passionated about hang gliding and expeditions, he made many hikes for several weeks. My father inherited this passion and now carry my two brothers and me in many countries.
First, we went down the Charente (380 km) in 3 and a half weeks at the age of 8 years. Then we visited to Egypt to discover this civilization that my big brother admires. Subsequently, like many people, we visited more common countries like England, Spain, Italy... It is in 2014 that I did my first expedition of one month in Alaska. No hotel, no shower, little food, sleeping sometimes wet and in tents... all of this for a month ! This changes radically our daily life but it is what we look for in expedition. Moreover, there are amazing landscapes (forests, glaciers, rivers...) but also an outstanding fauna (wolfs, bears, whales, elks, eagles...).
Two years ago we went to West America. We visited California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and Colorado. The landscapes are radically different from the Arctic countries and much more famous : Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Arches Park, The Wave, Bryce Canyon... but there is fewer animals.

Ribault Geoffrey

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Post by Romann Dieumegard Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:59 pm

Hi, travel it's so cool,I travel in different mainland and discover other community that we know it's enriching for example sengalese tribe, people of caribbean and other show a mentality and way of virvre rather inspiring, as well it's a moment for decontraction and research natural places to see a landscape extraordinary and discover unusual animals, vegetation...
Secondly ,I like travel for surfing in baskcountry for good week with good condition between anglet and San Sebastian,I only travel surfing outside france with friend to portugal (peniche), waves so crazy and I see nazare when there was 50-60 feet, just see this, It's hallucinatory!!!

Romann Dieumegard

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Post by Thomas MAULIN Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:06 pm


Hi, today I speak about travels. Travel allows to discover more regions, countries, cultures and populations. It’s a personal enrichment. We can see the world under another image that at the TV or computer. It allows meat lot people with whom we keep contact to, then show them our contries. For my part I did’nt lot travels, I went in Spain, in Gemany and in Switzerland.


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Post by lisa.chivot Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:00 pm

It is very important to travel, in fact they allow a open-mindedness and so the people which go to travel can grown in ripeness. There are different way like in group with organisation or alone with family or friend. Travel in autonomy allows to discover most authentically possible new places, various cultures and civilizations.
For my part I was in Spain to cross(spend) beautiful holidays under the sun. I also visited for 3 days Germany but I do not remember it a lot. I was also in Dominican Republic in a very tourist but dream place what did not allow us to understand(include) the life which the inhabitants of this island endured every day.


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