Discussion 3
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Discussion 3
For me Disney is first of all the movies I watched when I was a little girl. My favorite is Aladin ! When I was little I could watch movies for hours and hours without stopping. Today I can't do that anymore, but when I have the opportunity I'm looking at one. Diney is also an attraction park that attracts a lot of children, teenagers and adults.
Julia Rey- Posts : 12
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Join date : 2018-10-08
Re: Discussion 3
Hello today I will talk about Disney or rather Disney movies, they are movies with which I grew up. The stories are beautiful, and currently even at my age I always watch these movies with my brothers and sister. My favorite Disney movie is MULAN, because I think that the moral of the story is beautiful and essential. Disney is also an attraction park or I have not yet gone.
T.O- Posts : 13
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Join date : 2018-10-08
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