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Heatwaves. Empty Heatwaves.

Post by luca.barranger Mon Sep 12, 2022 4:47 pm



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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by Tom Teychenie Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:04 pm

A severe heatwave hit France this summer. For my part, I was in Spain and for the same period the heat was less important and the air more livable due to the fact that I was at altitude. Although the high temperatures are pleasant for the holidays, it quickly became painful during the work, moreover they raise questions about the climatic situation.

Tom Teychenie

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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by Andreas17 Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:24 pm

Various heat waves were present throughout France this summer. The first heat wave hit me hard as I was working in the vineyards at the time. The wind could make us breathe but when it was absent it was very quickly unbearable.
The increase in these temperatures is a potential problem for the future, it causes various problems that can be irreversible.


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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by Perian Jason Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:42 pm

During the heat wave that takes place
in France this summer I was lucky not
to endure it entirely because I went on
vacation to Guadeloupe and even if
the heat was strong, the fact that it
was an island and that there was wind
improved the conditions. However, I
followed the conditions in France from
afar and I understood that the
situation was complicated given that
there were water restrictions

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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by charly caillault Mon Sep 12, 2022 6:51 pm

During this summer there were several days where it was hot, with temperatures going up to 42 degrees. One day in Arcachon, a guy trying to jump cut his heel with an oyster, the skin and bone were hanging off. With some mates we carried him to the beach entrance but the sand was so hot that we had to let him go, and in the end we had burns on our feet.

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Heatwaves. Empty heatwave

Post by Alban Mon Sep 12, 2022 10:51 pm

for my part the heat wave affected me a lot because as a lifeguard we are from 11am to 7pm at the beach and very exposed to the sun. The sand was so hot that it was impossible to stay on the dry sand. I was staying in a tent that was sunbathing all day and it was even hotter inside than outside the nights were long...


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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by Yamine Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:09 pm

I think that heatwaves in France can be so annoying sometimes, but maybe french people are now used to these heatwaves.
However, the temperature of summer heatwaves is dangerously increasing each year, wich makes me concern about global warming. Because we are living in a time where that is a global issue.


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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by Dominguez Pierre-Louis Thu Sep 15, 2022 6:50 pm

For sure these heat waves are getting worse and worse, on the one hand because it is much hotter in summer and, on the other hand because it is hot for much longer. And like everyone in this topic said it can be terrible for the planet and the climat; even the vegetation burn this summer but I'm more worried about me because I can't stand the heat so I probably gonna move to one of the nordic countries in Europe like sweden or finland to get some freshness.

Dominguez Pierre-Louis

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Heatwaves. Empty Heatwaves

Post by luca.barranger Sat Sep 17, 2022 5:51 pm

During this summer, the heat waves had quite an impact on me. Firstly, I lived in a tent on a campsite in June and August, so during the heat it was impossible to stay indoors during the day. Secondly, I started work early in the morning and finished in the middle of the day, so I needed to rest the rest of the time, but the weather made it impossible. The solution to this was to buy a fan which accompanied me during many naps both during the day and at night.


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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by Louis Parion Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:10 pm

This summer we had a big heat wave. Personally, I experienced it in two different ways depending on whether I was working or not. When I was at work at the silo, I was in a small shed that was neither insulated nor air-conditioned, so when it was over 40° outside, it was the same or even worse in my shed; my only remedy was my little fan. Fortunately on my days off, I could count on my pool to not feel the heat and just rest.

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Heatwaves. Empty Heatwaves

Post by antonin bartin Sun Sep 18, 2022 10:44 am

The heat wave was very complicated for everyone, especially for the firefighters who had to fight in front of many fires that started at that time.I worked in a restaurant and it was pretty hard with the heat.The chance I got was that we had air conditioning so we could get some fresh air.Personally I didn’t go to the beach during the day but at the end of the evening to have less heat and therefore to be able to enjoy more.

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Heatwaves. Empty HEATWAVES

Post by William Michaud Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:13 pm

Honestly, this summer I don't feel the heatwaves because i worked in restaurant and inside the kitchen it was very hot, cause of the plancha, a deep fryer, an oven etc...
So when I finished the work, It was 1am, sometimes 2 am, and the temperature was normal. The days I stayed in mobil home with an air conditioner or I went to the swimming pool.

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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by marine Sun Sep 18, 2022 3:23 pm

Every year we talk about a heat wave, that it's hot. That this takes place all over the planet and would cause irreversible damage.
But beyond being really hot, I don't remember "normality". How it was before.
The summer of 2010 was also hot, but suddenly it was cold compared to now.
Finally the heat wave is only a word and therefore it is difficult to define how much it changes our life. But up to what temperature can we support it? up to when ?


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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by Nolan.crm Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:11 pm

This summer, the heatwave affected everyone. During the afternoon, it was impossible for me to stay outside or go out in town. It was hard to breathe, the heat was so high. However, I waited all day for the sunset to see my friends. Unfortunately, it is the reason of many disasters, such as drought but also the forest fire like those in Bordeaux or those in Charente recently.


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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by RomainL Mon Sep 19, 2022 2:22 pm

The heat wave really got to me this summer. My body was really not ready for such heat. Moreover, I had the wonderful idea of ​​playing sports outside so as not to lose my physical level, the biggest mistake of my life, I have been in a bad state many times. apart from that I didn't have any big problems at work because I had the air conditioning at the factory so perfect for my fragile body.


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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

Post by Romain epeche Mon Sep 19, 2022 4:06 pm

the heat wave does not bother me in normal times I could even say that I like it well, but during these holidays I worked in an environment where I got to be hot without adding the heat wave, so with the heat wave it was quite difficult to endure but I live next to the sea this heat wave was more bearable for me than for a person living inland

Romain epeche

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Heatwaves. Empty Re: Heatwaves.

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