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Group 1 Discussion 4

Hanae Khallouk Temsamani
Leila samy
Yara Abdelrehim
Marina Boisedu
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Post by Admin Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:47 am

Which Culture would you like to try or your favourite plant/Flower or both or Parent's influence over your choice of career, or all three.

Last edited by Admin on Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:22 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Admin Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:50 am

I know this isn't your cultural debate idea but I read this article on cultural appropriation and found it both interesting and annoying as well as boring and pointless. cultural appropriation

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Post by SARAH ROI Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:13 am

I would love to learn more about Australians and how they live, especially since for them Christmas times is in summer, which is wild. But to be honest, it's mostly because I think the Australian accent is phenomenal and would just love to hear it often lol. They also have Vegemite which has a reputation of tasting so bad and I'm curious about it.
As for the second subject, I think it was supposed to be on parents and their control over our education, but I like the flower one best. My favorite flowers are tulips, I love them, they are so colorful, in such a pretty shape, it's such a soft flower.
Tulips supremacy here <333

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Post by Jason MASSIMINO Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:16 am

I'd like to go on a trip to Latin America to discover their culture. I feel like they have one of the richest culture, full of stories, beliefs, food and cultural heritage. The landscapes are design by the importance of their culture. Going to Mexico City during el dia de los muertos (Spanish skills Cool ) would be really fun to me.


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Post by Admin Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:25 am

SARAH ROI wrote:I would love to learn more about Australians and how they live, especially since for them Christmas times is in summer, which is wild. But to be honest, it's mostly because I think the Australian accent is phenomenal and would just love to hear it often lol. They also have Vegemite which has a reputation of tasting so bad and I'm curious about it.
As for the second subject, I think it was supposed to be on parents and their control over our education, but I like the flower one best. My favorite flowers are tulips, I love them, they are so colorful, in such a pretty shape, it's such a soft flower.
Tulips supremacy here <333

Yeah, I knew that didn't sound right when I wrote it Embarassed thanks

I don't like the Australian accent, Christmas in the sun just feels so wrong, Vegemite = New world Marmite, Australian TV is the pits.

I like the smell of lavender in a garden.

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Post by Admin Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:26 am

Jason MASSIMINO wrote:I'd like to go on a trip to Latin America to discover their culture. I feel like they have one of the richest culture, full of stories, beliefs, food and cultural heritage. The landscapes are design by the importance of their culture. Going to Mexico City during el dia de los muertos (Spanish skills Cool  ) would be really fun to me.

Is it just a twisted Spanish culture? Twisted Evil

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Post by Jason MASSIMINO Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:48 am

Admin wrote:
Jason MASSIMINO wrote:I'd like to go on a trip to Latin America to discover their culture. I feel like they have one of the richest culture, full of stories, beliefs, food and cultural heritage. The landscapes are design by the importance of their culture. Going to Mexico City during el dia de los muertos (Spanish skills Cool  ) would be really fun to me.

Is it just a twisted Spanish culture? Twisted Evil



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Post by Léonie Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:20 am

The culture I am really interested in is the Japanese culture. It is so different from a European culture, that is why it is fascinating. It is a dream for me to go to Japan one day, I really want to see how Japanese people live on my own. I don't know if I would be able to live in this country and adapt me to this culture for my whole life, but for a short period, I want to try!

My favorite flower is red rose.

To finish, I think that parents should let their children do what they want with their career. For example, I don't like when some parents force their children to do a job while the child doesn't like it and don't want to do it. Like when the child wants to be a plumber while parents said no you have to be a medecin... Parents should be supportive with their children's choices.


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Post by Admin Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:33 am

I left home at 19, unemployed, so I can't blame my parents.

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Post by Admin Sat Oct 15, 2022 10:36 am

Different cultures:

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Post by cloe.delmarle Sat Oct 15, 2022 4:12 pm

I think the topic of should parent's influence over the choice of career from their children is interesting because everyone has an opinion on this, especially people who don't have kids. I guess being parent is the toughest job in life : of course you want the best for your children and nowadays, what would be consider as the best in life would be to have a stable situation, a nice job with good wages. Oh yes, and of course, what everyone is seeking in life is to be happy. But well, how could we be happy without good wages. So I have to say that I'm always surprise to hear that some parents don't push their kids (not force them, but push them) to study in order to have a nice career. Of course, forcing your child to become someone is particular is useless, but pushing your kid to study is great.


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Post by Imane ZEKHNINI Mon Oct 17, 2022 11:36 am

It's not the cultures that I'm interested in, but the food. I wanna go to India to eat all the good food and be an expert in Indian food. I wanna go to Sub-Saharan Africa to eat their food because everytime I see it on Tiktok, it looks so freaking good.... Same for Korea, Japan, Turkey..... I just wanna eat.

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Post by Lucas Mon Oct 17, 2022 11:42 am

In my opinion, parents shouldn’t choose your career instead of you. I was lucky on that, my parents gave me free will at birth (lol). Some parents are not as much open-minded though and, I guess, just think about the fame of their children or the wage they’ll have… But in the end, they will not go through all the mental (and maybe physical) pain their children will endure when the job they have is not as much entertaining as their parents told them. You only live once, and the point of living isn’t just about fame or salary, it’s about enjoying your life, your job, your friends, lover and family and the whole that is surrounding you all your life.


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Post by Emma Galan Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:10 pm

Because I’m not very interested in other cultures or in flowers (I’m still mourning the death of my ivy, Tommy Sad ) I chose the topic of parents and career. When I left High School, I had no idea of what I wanted to do. My grades were good enough to enrol in a “prepa lettre” but in my head it didn’t feel right to me. I had also started enrolling in a school art. I was really interested in learning animation techniques but for me it was a hobby and I did not see myself  making it my job. Honestly, I was lost. Even with the “help” of guidance counsellors, I couldn’t choose between my options. I asked my parents. My father said I should go to the prepa and he was against the art school. On the other hand, my mom had no preference. She wanted my happiness. After long talks with ALL of my family (even with my grandma, sisters, uncle and aunt), I finally chose the prepa over art school. Spoiler: I didn't like it at all. I met amazing friends over there but this was too much work for me. During my birthday I had a school burnout Smile. My mom encouraged me to leave the school although I didn't want to because giving up was a failure to me … My father was totally against me leaving prépa and at this moment I thought “F*ck off dad this is my life and I’m going to live as I want even if I have to stop school”.

Finally, I think I just needed time during this period. After my gap semester in Brighton, I finally found a school licence I like. Sooooo I really think parents shouldn’t interfere with the choice of their children. They should be supportive instead (like my mom <3). Children are going to make mistakes maybe, but thanks to these mistakes they’ll grow up and they’ll discover who they really are and what they really like.
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Post by Marina Boisedu Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:20 pm

Well I love to discover new cultures, always, so my answer would be each and every if I was being honest here. I do a lot of research for my books so it's kind of a must to me, actually. But more specifically right now, I would love to get more accustomed to Native American Cultures because of their wisdom in life, in relationship, in our place in this world. It's just so peaceful and frugal, it always amazes me. Makes me wish we could go back in time and live like that once more, in some ways.

Some of my favorite flowers are cornflowers, their blueish / purplish colors fascinates me. And then there're peonies, but the japanese ones.

I think being a parent if the toughest job there is in life. Society doesn't allow us many chances to be and become whoever we would like to so it's a heartbreaking duty for parents to see their child realize this for themselves or to have to teach them this valuable life lesson. No they shouldn't strive to influence their child's career choices but they must help them see the pros and the cons and to come to terms with them so they can make their own right decisions. The hardest thing to do is to give and make options available to your child because you can't just will it, you must make plans and compromises along the way and have the means to support said choices the best you can. So "open-minded" discussions between parents and children are so important, because I think it's a bit of a team job on that note. Listen first to how far they tried to plan this by themselves, ask them questions about how they see this making them happy or how feasible they think it could be. Educate/Counsel them I would say and share your experience on the business world while honestly telling them when you are not sure or don't know in order to encourage them to seek answers, knowledge, and information (make the whole thing clearer for the both of you). You can disagree but you should do it in a way that makes your child see the reasons behind your stand on the matter while accepting that they are allowed to have their own stand as well. And more often than not, that should be enough to make them think a bit further about the cons they haven't seen yet. Sometimes it may help them realize how "not so much of an easy journey" it will be, sometimes it encourages them to try harder. You may still disagree with them in the end and think it's the stupidest idea in the world but at least do tell them your honest opinion (in as much of a respectful way you can) and remind them that they'll always be loved anyway  Group 1 Discussion 4 1f602

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Post by Yara Abdelrehim Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:53 pm

I would like to learn about a lot of cultures, the Japanese culture is very interesting to me. And I think it could be very interesting to understand the differences as well as the similarities between the different cultures especially that there is different cultures within the same country.

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Post by Leila samy Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:51 pm

Since I am always interested in discovering new cultures, the culture i would like to learn about more is the Italian culture because its the home of the roman empire and it has a rich heritage in art, history, cuisine and fashion so it would definitely be interesting to learn about it.

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Post by Hanae Khallouk Temsamani Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:45 pm

Hmm honestly i would love to know more about many cultures, since i really like to understand different perspectives within the world we live, and since we are ALL different, it would be really cool to know how people think, act, believe, cook... and way more ! But if i have to choose one culture, i would say the korean culture (i'm not a Koreaboo i swear Rolling Eyes ). I feel like they are always proud of their unique traditional culture, so they make me want to try it, or to know more about it as well. Hard work, social norms, the hierarchical relationship between people, bowing to others... so it seems really interesting to understand the meaning behind it, and it would certainly increase my culture sensitivity, and maybe my life values.

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Post by Nouhaila Bibelrhach Wed Oct 19, 2022 1:35 am

Parent's influence over the choice of career:

We all agree that parents always want the best for their children, on all levels, including education. But for me, that's very tricky and decisive in the child's journey. I mean in general this influence is made at a young age when the child is still trying to discover his or her interests and identity. So with their parents influence it's as if this identity is erased before even being built and the child will be committed to a decision, of which he wasn't even aware, to make his whole career.
Sometimes it's a good thing, the parents' decision turns out to be correct later on and the child gets to do exactly what he wants based on that decision, GOOD FOR HIM. But I guess parents shouldn't have to decide for their children (they can obviously advise and guide them) and children also shouldn't blindly follow what their parents think just because it may have worked for them or because they think it's the right path to take.

Luckily for me my parents have always supported my decisions (I hope they're not that badddd) What a Face

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Post by nmahtaj Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:59 am

I would like to visit brazil and discover its culture. Bossa nova it's one of my favourite music styles, and it's born there. I think a bossa nova festival in Copacabana beach wil be a great idea. I also want to try the local food, the brazilan fruits look very delicious. Besides that, brazilians place high value on leisure especially those activities that involve other people
However, spending time in a different culture than that which you were raised in can lead to rapid growth


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Post by LéaC Wed Oct 19, 2022 1:15 pm

About the parent's influence over our choice of career, I just think that the most important thing they have to do is to give us the possibility and the opportunity to choose (get information with us, follow and support us in our projects). They don't have the right to say : "you will go in THIS university or follow THIS kind of studies", I think the choice all belongs to us. The final decision is ours but they can (they have to do it of course) discuss with their children about it, and give us some tips or bring us their vision without imposing.
I think there are other cases too where our parents influence our career choices unintentionally, for reasons of financial cost of education for example, or just because of the values they inculcate in us (which is not necessarily a bad thing).


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Post by Leila Wed Oct 19, 2022 2:58 pm

I’m going to talk about the foreign cultures that I want to discover. I'm a food lover and it’s obvious for me to talk about Italy. This country is very rich. It’s known by its gastronomy but also by its history and as everybody knows the beauty of the different places and monuments that make this country one of the most popular in the world, I am also interested in Turkey which was recommended by many people who did not stop telling me that it is a country to see absolutely !

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Post by Admin Wed Oct 19, 2022 6:29 pm

Leila wrote:I’m going to talk about the foreign cultures that I want to discover. I'm a food lover and it’s obvious for me to talk about Italy. This country is very rich. It’s known by its gastronomy but also by its history and as everybody knows the beauty of the different places and monuments that make this country one of the most popular in the world, I am also interested in Turkey which was recommended by many people who did not stop telling me that it is a country to see absolutely !

If you are a food lover then may I suggest Britain and the British culture. Don't propagate food myths created by the Italians. Wink

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Post by Leila Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:38 pm

I've never heard of the British gastronomy, I'm going to investigate a bit about it. study

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Post by Admin Sat Oct 22, 2022 9:13 am

Leila wrote:I've never heard of the British gastronomy, I'm going to investigate a bit about it. study


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