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Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Dominguez Pierre-Louis
Romain epeche
Tom Teychenie
Louis Parion
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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by luca.barranger Mon Nov 07, 2022 4:52 pm

A guy is sunbathing naked on a nudist beach. To avoid getting sunburned, he covers his sex with his hat.

A girl walks by and says to him with a smirk:

- If you were a gentleman, you would lift your hat.

And then the man replied:

-If you were beautiful, it would lift itself!

This joke is very funny because we can see the nuance with the ugly girl who is trying to dredge the men, but sadly she is a bit clumsy and vulgar so it's naturally that the men suggests that she should go fuck himself (without being vulgar !) .


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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by Louis Parion Mon Nov 07, 2022 4:54 pm

A man goes to his psychiatrist.
- Doctor, it's horrible, my wife is cheating on me! Every night she goes to the sports bar, she gets hit on by the customers, and she sleeps with anyone. It drives me crazy! My God, what should I do?
- Calm down, says the shrink. Catch your breath and start by telling me where this sports bar is.

Louis Parion

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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by Tom Teychenie Mon Nov 07, 2022 4:55 pm

I have lots of childhood memories, both good and sad. to put in the context of the one I chose, I was in primary school and my sport was badminton. In badminton there are feathers which are stages in terms of level. to pass my green feather I had to hold 30 seconds in skipping rope which was impossible for me at the time. And with a lot of training in my garden with the rope from the club that lent it to me, I managed to get this green feather. proof that with training and determination we can manage to surpass ourselves.

Tom Teychenie

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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by Romain epeche Mon Nov 07, 2022 5:03 pm

The headmaster of a college sees a supervisor come into his office, taking one of the small moths of the college by force.
The pawn:
- This time I caught him in action, I saw him set fire to cardboard! I immediately put out the flames, but still!!!
The director :
- Hmm, give him a few hours of glue and that's it, no need to bother me for so little...
The pawn:
- But euh ...
The director :
- Oust!!!
A few minutes later, a student enters the office, his face completely burned and his clothes completely charred.
The director :
- My God, but who are you my poor!!
The pupil :
- My name is cardboard sir

Romain epeche

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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by Romain epeche Mon Nov 07, 2022 5:49 pm

The headmaster of a college sees a supervisor come into his office, taking one of the small moths of the college by force.
The pawn:
- This time I caught him in action, I saw him set fire to cardboard! I immediately put out the flames, but still!!!
The director :
- Hmm, give him a few hours of glue and that's it, no need to bother me for so little...
The pawn:
- But euh ...
The director :
- Oust!!!
A few minutes later, a student enters the office, his face completely burned and his clothes completely charred.
The director :
- My God, but who are you my poor!!
The pupil :
- My name is cardboard sir

Romain epeche

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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by Dominguez Pierre-Louis Wed Nov 09, 2022 10:40 am

Honestly some of my friends' jokes are so black that an american policeman could shoot them

Here is just a little humor to unravel the violence against blacks in the United States following the black lives matters movement.

Dominguez Pierre-Louis

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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty bad jokes

Post by Alban Sun Nov 13, 2022 1:19 pm

My Grandpa said, "Your generation relies too much on technology!" I replied, "No, your generation relies too much on technology!" Then I unplugged his life support.


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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by marine Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:13 pm

I'm not an expert in jokes, I don't need to learn, telling my daily life is apparently enough. Afterwards, I am a very good public so everything makes me laugh and it makes others laugh. Last to date, I cut my finger very deeply by closing a simple table, losing a lot of blood I was a little in a stun. I had to knock with my head at my neighbor's house to take care of me, and not controlling my words too much. So this time I don't know if he's laughing out of spite or having fun. My clumsiness will ruin me!


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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by Andreas17 Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:25 pm

What's worse than a baby in a bin?
A baby in two bins.


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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by RomainL Mon Nov 14, 2022 2:35 pm

That's a cute one...
What goes through the head of a fly when she crashes against a windshield ?...

her ass


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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by charly caillault Mon Nov 14, 2022 2:57 pm

my joke is bad but it's a joke:
He used to take his dog to school every day, but he finally had to stop.
- How come?
- The dog got graduated.

charly caillault

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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by Clement Reboul Mon Nov 14, 2022 3:11 pm

What is the worst part of a car in it?
- The blonde driving her
One last
What do single bikers have in common with their bikes?
"They both sleep on the crutch.

Clement Reboul

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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty THE BEST JOKES EVER AHAHAH

Post by antonin bartin Mon Nov 14, 2022 3:20 pm

Sorry, I can not write a "joke" on this topic because it is meant that you have to make jokes not funny but you should know that Antonin makes funny jokes. Thank you for your understanding!

antonin bartin

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Bad jokes (no racist pls) Empty Re: Bad jokes (no racist pls)

Post by Yamine Mon Nov 21, 2022 5:08 pm

So, let me tell a childhood memory: when I was in the school for the kids aged from 3 to 5 years old (école maternelle in french), and it was the school party at the end of the year.
My classmates and me where doing a traditionnal marriage ceremony. I was the husband, and my "wife" was my teacher. That day, I was the most serious guy! I cannot remember why, but I think that I took that ceremony for a real one!
When my parents told me that story and I saw the photos, it was so funny!


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