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Favorite film

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Favorite film  Empty Favorite film

Post by Mélanie RIVET Wed Feb 18, 2015 10:15 pm

My favorite movie i'll tell you ... Infact I don't have a favorite movie but i love the movie "Ali".
It is a film directed by Michael Mann, released February 27, 2002, with Will Smith, Jamie Foxx and Jon Voight.
This is a sports movie and drama. This film tells the story of boxer Muhammad Ali from his historic victory over world champion. Above his athletic career at the time, he changed his name was Cassius Clay to become Muhammad Ali to follow the movement Nation of Islam and its relationship with Malcolm X.
I like because it has demonstrated physical endurance, determination, aggressiveness and intelligence.

Mélanie RIVET

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Join date : 2015-01-28

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