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No more inspiration...

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No more inspiration...  Empty No more inspiration...

Post by Solène DIODATI Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:11 pm

Hello John,

I've no more inspiraton about sport, so I will talk about an other thing! Saint Valentine's Day!!! It was last week-end! With my boyfriend, we were in La Rochelle. In the morning, we went shopping, and then we ate sandwichs and continued to shop! When we went back home, we watched a movie: Lucy, by Luc Besson. It was good, but not very great... Later, we went to the restaurant! It was very very very delicious!!! There were five dishes... An appetizer, a starter, a dish (fish), and a second (meat), then, a dessert, and to finish, sweets ... At the end of the dinner, I received a rose, whereas, my boyfriend recieved the addition! I found it funny!!!
After the restaurant, we walked in the center of La Rochelle, and went back home later...

It was a part of holiday between, school for me, and the center of reeducation for my boyfriend.. I can't wait no more to be in vacations...

See you later! Bye.


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