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SERIE: Atypical

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SERIE: Atypical Empty SERIE: Atypical

Post by Amelie Trarieux Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:29 pm

So apparently I'm not the only one who has been watching Atypical this week but here comes my perception on the show #SorryNotSorry

I've been waiting for the season 2 for quite a while now so I definitely got excited when I finally had internet and saw that the season 2 had been released.

Atypical is a serie based on the life of Sam, a teenager on the autistic spectrum. It's not the first show that I watch following someone on the spectrum but it's one of the best so far according to me.
Sam is in his senior year in an american Highschool and he is a very endearing kid. The thing is that, even though he is able to make full sentences and express his point (which can be already something very hard for a kid on the spectrum), the way he communicates is harsh, or can seem harsh. He doesn't lie, and just says what he thinks which leads to very funny situation that could probably be uncomfortable in real life. Through the years, he has developed a true passion for penguins and all animals related to the Antarctica and will use them as a way to express something or relate to his world. So for his (ex) girlfriend, for example, she had to get used to be compared to a polar bear or a seal (not helping when you're having a bad day).

So following Sam through his family problems, highschool, work, good days and bad days or girlfriend issues is just what you need at the end of a day at school. Easy to watch, mostly funny and definitely appealing, I would always recommend this show. (if you want to know more about it watch the trailer or let me knooooow)
Amelie Trarieux
Amelie Trarieux

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Join date : 2018-09-22

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