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Class Article Thread Group B

Marina Guillon
Léa Aupetit
Jordan Besson
Meghane Cren
Léanne Imare
Emeline Giffard
Cédric Bourgeois
Clothilde Pluchart
Amelie Trarieux
19 posters

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Admin Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:21 pm

This is where Group B should post the link to their aritcles with vocabulary to help those reading.

The first week it's Blong, Amelie and Clothilde.

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Amelie Trarieux Tue Sep 24, 2019 10:15 am


Hi everyone,

So concerning my article, I would like to bring up a subject that we don’t really talk about in France. I got the idea last week while eating dinner with friends. 
Someone brought up the fact that the singer Sam Smith changed his pronoun from he to they/them. (Ill/ iel in French)
Then came up a conversation about gender, sex, and sexuality.
I realized that except if you really look for info, most of us don’t know much about the LGBT+ community beyond the letters LGB.

So the following article is about how we should talk about the transgender issues, kind of a do’s and dont’s.

Transgender refers to a person who identifies as a gender other than the sex they were assigned at birth. Transgender people can be both binary (female or male) or nonbinary (not strictly female or male, which can include genderfluid, agender, identities somewhere between female and male, and other identities.)
Although technically all nonbinary people are transgender because their gender does not fully match their assigned birth sex, not all nonbinary people want to identify as transgender.
To be sure that we all have the same vocabulary, I think that it’s important to define the following:
Gender – Whereas sex (M or F) is a term to classify people biologically (often based on physical anatomy, reproductive capabilities, chromosomes, etc.), gender is the social meanings, obligations, and expectations ascribed (by one’s self or society) to sexed bodies. 
Cisgender: Someone who lives and identifies as the same sex that they were assigned at birth (so most of the population)
FTM – “Female-to-Male”. This is an acronym for the term “female-to-male” and is used to describe transgender individuals who were assigned the sex of female at birth, but express masculine gender identities through aesthetic, surgical, social, and/or behavioral changes. Not all transgender masculine people identify as FTM because not all people conceptualize their gender as a transition from one binary sex to another. Some understand themselves to be transgender, neither male nor female, some combination of both, or a third or alternative gender, such as genderqueer or trans. (Find also MTF for male to female)
Gender fluid is a gender identity which refers to a gender which varies over time. A gender fluid person may at any time identify as male, female, neutrois, or any other non-binary identity, or some combination of identities. Their gender can also vary at random or vary in response to different circumstances. Gender fluid people may also identify as multigender, non-binary and/or transgender. Genderfluid people may feel more comfortable using gender-neutral pronouns


PS: as of a few days ago, the pronoun « they » is now non-gendered in the Webster American dictionary.
PPS: if you want to know more about this subject I would recommend the Netflix series Tales of the City
PPPS: If you read anything here that you think is wrongly explained, feel free to let me know here or in class, I do not know everything about this subject but always happy to learn Smile
Sources: https://lgbtccneworleans.org/useful-vocabulary/
Amelie Trarieux
Amelie Trarieux

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Blong Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:42 pm

Hi everyone !

For the next class I chose to work on an article which deals with the war in Yemen that opposing Houthi Shia Muslim rebels and the Yemen's government after Arab Spring in 2011. It all began in 2014 when the rebels took over the government and when in 2015 the Saudi Arabia and 8 others countries began Air Strike against the Houthis. According the Saudi Arabia, Iran is helping Houthis in this war because they are sharing the same way of thinking. So it's a war which opposes two ways of thinking about Islam and the Saudi Arabia are afraid that the Shia's movement is going to give its rival more power which is Iran. The Saudi Arabia country is "helped" by the western countries that sell weapons to them. Are these western countries invovled in this war ? This is what this article is about.

- My main article is this one : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-49563073
- But if you want more information about the context, you can read this article as well which is not that long : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-44466574.

Concerning the vocabulary :
- indiscrimante shelling : when you release bombs without taking care of anything
- impeding of access to humanitarian aid : when you don't allow organisms help the civilians
- had enjoyed "pervasive lack of accountability" for violations of international humanitarian and human rights law : when there is a lack of responsability about the humanitarian and human rights law
- Starvation : when you are hungry
- whether = if

I think that this subject is really interesting because we need to be aware about what is happening in the world and especially there because it is one of the worst humanitarian crisis since a long time.

Thank you everyone and I hope you will be interested about this !

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Clothilde Pluchart Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:26 pm

Hi everyone,

link: https://ideas.ted.com/how-to-raise-a-child-whos-free-from-gender-norms/

Keys Words: Gender path, preferences, choice, stereotypes, boys and gils ...

Girl and boys, what differences of genres or stereotypes?
- the clothes
- blue or pink
- the toys such as trucks or dolls
- the hair
- Disney World (prince/princess)
- Problem at school such as in toilet and in outside (toilets are just another way we categorize people)

During the article, they speak courageous but they said : "I don’t believe that kids should have to be brave to be who they are" and more the "Adults need to learn to embrace them and their choices". “The reality is that these stereotypes set in and attach themselves like a second skin that will follow a child all the way through adulthood.”

I advice to watch this video at the end of article. It's very interesting and it's the life of Audrey Mason-Hyde’s. She explains her life and her choices.

I hope it's a subject which you'll like. Very Happy
Clothilde Pluchart
Clothilde Pluchart

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Admin Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:20 pm

So everyone else needs to check out the articles, read around the subject and think of interesting questions/intelligent comments to make for each article. It's a discussion not a question the expert session.

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by FLEGEAU PAULINE Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:30 pm

For the next articles, does we create a new topic or we can make directly in this one ?

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Admin Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:34 pm

directly in this one is good.

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Post by FLEGEAU PAULINE Sat Oct 05, 2019 4:03 pm

Hi everyone !!!

I already know TED Talk but I discovered last week with Chotilde and Amélie that they have website about their topics !! So I spend some times on this website and read very interested articles for finally read one... Which make me want to share with you this topic, I let you discover a little by this post and more by this link -->


Keys Words: Colors // joy // aesthetics // forms // feeling // little changements // Bright

This article is quite simple, so I don't think I don't need to put some additional informations, if you feel you need it, let me know and I'll try to answer as best I can Razz Wink

I really recommand to watch the video at the end of article to allow you to soak up this state of mind, quite particular I must say, but which feels good at the end (for my part and I hope that this little article/video will make you happier or any case, to make you want to work on your joy)

For people who don't know art, some painters (who work on light, colors association, ...) quotes in this articles :
Matisse - https://www.moma.org/calendar/exhibitions/1429?
Sonia Delaunay - https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&rlz=1C1CHBF_frFR861FR861&biw=1536&bih=722&sxsrf=ACYBGNRMPXIUZsrn9kv2STi1uPYbJ13k2A:1570276325081&q=sonia+delaunay+rythme+colore&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3MLMwrEpS4gIxs5Ms0ywNtfgdi0oyi0tC8oF0eX5R9iJWmeL8vMxEhZTUnMTSvMRKhaLKkozcVIXk_Jz8olQAJxRECEkAAAA&ved=2ahUKEwjm17iUh4XlAhVJUxoKHdtwAQcQxA0wGnoECAwQCw

david Hockney - https://www.google.com/search?q=david+hockney+artworks&sa=X&rlz=1C1CHBF_frFR861FR861&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3MMzKLjFTQjC1lLKTrfTLMotLE3PiE4tKkJiZxSVW5flF2cWLWMVSEssyUxQy8pOz81IrFYCSYIkdrIwAUy31BlgAAAA&biw=1536&bih=722&sxsrf=ACYBGNQop6u9Ls-V6TpuRGoVfWwSY1y_QQ:1570276624078&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=VYM2Lu7aQJbM4M%253A%252CHjSnMRJsO3yRFM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRdD0vqw1rKl1c8WBI23LGIZWaYjg&ved=2ahUKEwjv9IGjiIXlAhWIzoUKHePwA2sQ_h0wGnoECAwQEw#imgrc=VYM2Lu7aQJbM4M:

For the discussion in class, this topic can be linked to other lifestyles that tend towards happiness in other cultures (Hygge, Lagom, Ikigai, Còsagach, Friluftsliv, ...), feel free to search, you could be surprising to see some little advices verry simple for be HAPPY Wink


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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Cédric Bourgeois Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:53 pm


Hi everyone,

This week I choose a subject about Facebook and the like.
I don’t know if you know but Facebook wants to change its strategy about the likes counter which exist for more than 10 years to hide it for everyone. So now in the future, you will be able to see the likes counter to your personal account but not for the others. This will also added to videos views and reaction.
For the moment this is only in test in Australia, but if the test is effectual for the Facebook team, they will probably add it to others country.

I let you read the article that I choose to speak in class: https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/26/tech/facebook-hiding-likes/index.html

Facebook also deployed this strategy on Instagram in some countries (also in test). If you are interested to know more about that, you can also read this article: https://edition.cnn.com/2019/08/20/tech/instagram-hiding-likes-user-reaction/index.html

So I think that It will be interesting to discuss about that in class to know your opinion about the like, if it’s important for you and what kind of change that will make for the influencers.

About the vocabulary, I think that you knows the social network terms.

To prepare Thursday, I think that it will be interesting if you think about this three sentences in the article which are the more important for me:

« Facebook is rethinking this feature as part of a broader effort to make the social network less stressful to use. »

« We are testing this because we want your followers to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get »

« Likes are powerful because they are immediate feedback »

Good reading to you Smile
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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by sophie_rys Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:11 pm

Hi guys,

Today I’m gonna talk about something that isn’t always pleasant to our minds : the overthinking. That’s a bit psychologic, contrary to what we could study until now but I found it interesting to talk about as (I think) we all ever met this uncomfortable situation.

Have you ever had some problem to stop thinking about something you’ve made wrong or that you could do in another way? Maybe how you stopped your last date or why your last month presentation went so wrong? This uncool feeling is called ‘overthinking’ or, also, ‘rumination’ 🐮. Daily problem. In this article, you’ve got different steps : the definition of rumination, the consequences it can leads to and some solutions to challenge these stupid thoughts.

Here is the link :

If you want to read more about the subject, here is another interesting article :

And then, some vocabulary :
- Overthinking/rumination : thinking about something in endless circles
- To churn over : being repeated endlessly
- To brood about / To spin around / To dwell on something : thinking too much about something
- Depression ≠ anxiety
- Harmful : dangerous, damaging, injurious

Enjoy the reading ! 🍃

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Emeline Giffard Fri Oct 11, 2019 4:22 pm

Hello Hello !

Time for one of the articles of next week !

Next week, I will be talking with you guys about Immortality. I know it is a topic that migh interest a lot of people, as we all wondered at point in our lives what it would be like to be immortal. Would it be great ? Or completely boring ? What would it mean to our current society if people were immortal ?

This is the article that i want you guys to read : https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-06-21-tm-9058-story.html

Bit of vocabulary related to this article in particular :

batch = un lot/un groupe (de personnes)
bliss = bonheur, béatitude
cease = cesser
stools = tabouret
birth rate = taux de natalité
doom = condamné
whiplash = coup de fouet
depleted = en baisse, réduit
widespread = répandu
lenghten = augmenter
qualms = scrupules
archdiocese = archidiocèse

I also found another article online about this topic that you might be interested with, if you have the time for a little bit more of reading :


This video I found on TedTalk was also really funny, but could also lead to potential debate :


Hope you guys will be interested ! 🐦 🐦
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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Léanne Imare Fri Oct 11, 2019 4:29 pm

Hey ^^ Today it is my turn to choose an article and I decided to talk about a complexe and sensitive subject which is SUICIDE. I know it is not a joyfull subject but I think it is a subject to which we should give more importance when we know that it is one of the 10 most common cause of death. So here is an article that explain how to prevent suicide when possible. I want you to read this article to inform yourself but in class I would rather talk about how you feel about suicide and how do you perceive people who want to commit suicide? And if you want more information to find the answer to those question I give you another article which is super interesting. Here's a sentence that I retain from it “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions-and-treatments/conditions/s/suicide-and-teens/symptoms-and-causes = the one to prevent suicide
https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/suicide/complexities-behind-act-suicide = the one to make yourselves an opinion of the subject

Some vocabulary :

to trigger : déclencher
to cross : traverser
to be monitored : être surveillé
losses : les pertes
Poor coping skills : capacité d'adaptation
social withdrawal : isolement social
Léanne Imare
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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Meghane Cren Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:53 pm


Let's talk a little but let's talk well, next week I propose u to talk about the following subject : HEROES.
To do so, I enclose the article I have chosen below to support my comments : What is a hero

As part of this exchange, I'd like to approach the "hero" in his general sphere, since the aim is to exchange on our perceptions of these saviors, whether fictional, imaginary, or real. And also to talk a little bit about the psychological aspect behind all this.

As for the question of vocabulary, I think there is not too much difficulty in reading, but I have however given u the terms that (could) pose some difficulties.

To Garner : collect
Will-power : le pouvoir de volonté
To emulate : imitate
Deeds : acts, actions
To bestow : confer, grant (accorder, conférer)
Horrendous : dreadful, horrible (épouvantable)
Astonishment : amazement, (stupéfaction)
Witnessed : témoigné

Nd for ever more fun :
What makes a hero ?

Wishing u an excellent weekend,
w/ all my love,

Meghane Razz
Meghane Cren
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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Léa ABREU Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:37 am

Léanne Imare wrote:Hey ^^ Today it is my turn to choose an article and I decided to talk about a complexe and sensitive subject which is SUICIDE. I know it is not a joyfull subject but I think it is a subject to which we should give more importance when we know that it is one of the 10 most common cause of death. So here is an article that explain how to prevent suicide when possible. I want you to read this article to inform yourself but in class I would rather talk about how you feel about suicide and how do you perceive people who want to commit suicide? And if you want more information to find the answer to those question I give you another article which is super interesting. Here's a sentence that I retain from it “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions-and-treatments/conditions/s/suicide-and-teens/symptoms-and-causes  = the one to prevent suicide
https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/suicide/complexities-behind-act-suicide = the one to make yourselves an opinion of the subject

Some vocabulary :

to trigger : déclencher
to cross : traverser
to be monitored : être surveillé
losses  : les pertes
Poor coping skills : capacité d'adaptation
social withdrawal : isolement social

Hi Léanne,

I don't think that this subject is good to talk with people you don't know much... You can't know what people are facing in their personal life... That is why I won't be part of this discussion next time.

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Amelie Trarieux Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:11 am

Hi Léanne,

Unfortunately, I really don't think that I can discuss this subject in class.
I'm sorry.
Amelie Trarieux
Amelie Trarieux

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Admin Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:06 am

I think Leanne's topic is interesting and a brave choice. It is a subject that many people internalise and don't discuss when maybe it would be beneficial to discuss it.

However with this subject, as with any other subject, people can choose not to participate. The discussions are aimed at improving our performance in English not at upsetting anyone. I respect the choice of anyone who wishes to sit out of any given discussion and it will have no effect on your English mark (unless you sit out of every discussion, every week Sad )

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Léanne Imare Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:27 pm

Hi everybody,
First thank you John the answer you give when I didn't have my computer to do it myself. I know it is not a simple subject to talk with people that you don't know but it was also the case with the other articles that we have ont he first week ( gender and war) that could also hurt somebody that we didn't know was concerned, however those subject were totally assumed by the people that choose them and so is mine. The fact is that as the other articles, complexe subjects are also very important to talk about in a society that make them "taboo".
But if certains people doesn't want to talk about this subject because it is too sensitive for them I totaly understand and you're totaly free not to participate. Maybe you can participate 2 times in an other subject that interest you and so hear the opinion of differents personns.
Léanne Imare
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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Jordan Besson Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:57 pm

I am so happy to discuss with you and I chose a subject for everyone to make everybody happy before halloween holidays.
We all know our smartphone is the new prolongation of our hands. Despite my desire to restrict my daily usage I still have difficulties. With this following article I found different solutions to spend time with my friends without my mobile.

So, I let you read this and we will talk in class Smile


Vocab: folder (dossier)
refundant (inutile)
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Post by Léa Aupetit Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:17 am

This week you won’t talk about a crucial subject with me but it may be something you can’t live without. It is your cellphone especially the photo-taking app and how the way you use it can affect your memory. So it’s in the same idea of Jordan’s article (how to get away with your cellphone).

Here is the link :

In terms of vocabulary you’ll find in the text :
« Gazing » -> to gaze = looking deeply or fixing your look onto something

Fewer = less

Frightening = scary

Impairment = handicap

Nightmarishly = like in a nightmare

Subaru = it’s a type of car

« Skidded off » -> to skid = when you’re doing a drift

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Marina Guillon Sat Oct 19, 2019 3:23 pm

Hi everyone Very Happy
So concerning my article, I would like to bring up a subject that concerns everybody I think. So the following article is about how we can change our relationship with food and stop eating our feelings.

Link : https://ideas.ted.com/how-to-change-your-relationship-with-food-and-stop-eating-your-feelings/

Vocabulary :
Entangled : emmêlé
Solace : réconfort
Famished / ravenous : affamé
Unsound : pas sain
Binge : se goinfrer, s'empiffrer
Craving : envie de

I hope it's a subject which you'll like and which helps you to stop eating bad things when you are in a bad mood ! I love you

Marina Guillon

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Class Article Thread Group B Empty Re: Class Article Thread Group B

Post by Malek.benslimane Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:55 pm

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed your holydays!
I want to share with you my article for the next English session. It is about marriage in modern society. I think it will be very interesting to discuss this matter because it still very actual and I assume everyone has an opinion on that. See you soon Smile


“No fault “laws: "No fault" divorce describes any divorce where the spouse asking for a divorce does not have to prove that the other spouse did something wrong.
Antiquated: Old-fashioned/ outdated
Marital: Conjugal
Delineated roles: Defined roles
Blurring: Confusing/ Distorting

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Post by Victor Chevalier Sun Nov 03, 2019 7:51 pm

hi everyone!
I chose a subject that I think it's important. Indeed the article talks about the importance to act for future generations or being a good ancestor. This article presents the ideas of Bina Venkataraman for being a good ancestor.


Vocabulary :
Shortsighted = myope
Foresight = prévoyance
Reckless = imprudent / irréflechis
Antiquated = rendre obsolète
Ombudsmen = médiateur
Heirloom = objet de famille / héritage

I wish you a good reading and I hope you find the article interesting Very Happy
Victor Chevalier
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Post by Damaye Alexis Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:59 pm

Here is my article : How to talk to someone who doesn’t believe in climate change


Hoax = a joke (une supercherie littéralement)
thrifty = économe

Sleep Sleep Sleep
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Post by Léa ABREU Thu Nov 07, 2019 6:39 pm

Hi everyone,

Concerning my article, I would like to bring up a subject that was deeply interesting me. As me for, education is the solution of a lot of our problems I wanted to discuss with about something related to this subject.

So, why not starting with the tricky subject that is HOMESCHOOLING?

Link of the article : https://www.calverteducation.com/general/what-is-homeschooling-calvert-education-101

If you want to go deeper (I know that no one will read it but anyway) : https://www.calverteducation.com/homeschooling/top-myths-homeschooling

Vocabulary :

Struggling / Struggle : means that someone has to make forceful or violent efforts to get free of difficulties.

Master : having or showing very great skill or proficiency, to be good at something.

Curriculum : the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.

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Post by Isaure Ayrault-Roy Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:47 pm

What Makes a Good Life?


I have seen three years ago a video about Robert Waldnger’s study. I remember that I found his work absolutely awesome (it was probably too much, but I was a teenager and we all know that in the adolescence everything is disproportionate…  Rolling Eyes  ).

But, even today, this study is still one of the largest talking about the adult life (since 1938 and it still going on today). It was realized with the participation of 724 men. Robert wanted to see what really keeps people happy and healthy. But I will not say any more, I will let you discover the results of this study for yourself.
You can also listen to his ted talks, Robert Waldnger explains more about psychological results in this video than in the article (which is a little more scientific)  :

For the vocabulary :

Sophomores : second-year student

Cornucopia of data : I think this is an expression for “a lot of data” (but maybe I’m wrong ?)

Gathered together  : collected

Anthropometric measurements of skulls : it’s detailed skull measurements (anthropometry is the technique that concerns the measurement of a man's dimensional characteristics.)

Electroencephalograms : in French it’s “électroencéphalogrammes” and it measures the electrical activity of the brain.

Good reading or watching  I love you
Isaure Ayrault-Roy
Isaure Ayrault-Roy

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