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Queen Elisabeth II

Armand Bois
Florent D
Darius Valente 1
leonie richard
Théo Dupas
Maxime ROB
Akemi Sebire
Beau Arnaud
Antoine P
matisse le mao
thomas le démon
Valentin Hochard
Alexis Mignonneaud
bryan bichot
Hugo sauvey
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Queen Elisabeth II - Page 2 Empty Re: Queen Elisabeth II

Post by Loan Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:12 am

The Queen's death is arguably the biggest event of this year. when you think about it it's pretty normal since she was queen for 70 years. The cerOmonia of death of the queen is certainly the biggest that modern humanity is ever known because it lasts 10 days. Moreover the queen herself planned the whole ceremony when she was only about thirty years old


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Queen Elisabeth II - Page 2 Empty Re: Queen Elisabeth II

Post by Loan Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:24 am

The Queen's death is arguably the biggest event of this year. when you think about it it's pretty normal since she was queen for 70 years. The ceromonia of death of the queen is certainly the biggest that modern humanity is ever known because it lasts 10 days. Moreover the queen herself planned the whole ceremony when she was only about thirty years old


Posts : 4
Points : 1172
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Join date : 2021-09-28

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