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Group 1 Discussion Week 2

Leila samy
Emma Brancourt
Yara Abdelrehim
Nouhaila Bibelrhach
Nour Abbady
Emma Galan
18 posters

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Group 1 Discussion Week 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 2

Post by LéaC Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:39 pm

Hanae Khallouk Temsamani wrote:You know it has been one week I'm thinking about who this celebrity that i want to be friend with... and i still don't know Smile There is SOOOO many options, i can't even choose.

First i thought of Neymar, since i'm a big fan of football, it will be really nice to hang out with a footballer (such a flex), also he is so rich, young, handsome and really funny... and he is living in Paris now, is it a coincidence haha ? And the important point : i would have a VIP pass for all the games of the champions league (A DREAM) and the WORLD CUP, can you imagine ???? AAAAA i'm already excited.

But then my Kpop soul jumped into the conversation to remember me how much i LOVE Kim Taehyung (a kpop singer), so yeah without mentioning details i want him as a friend so that he can become my bf later Smile (oopsie what is friendship ?)  Wink

Nobody wants to be JUST friend with Tae.


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