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My match of the weekend

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My match of the weekend Empty My match of the weekend

Post by Vaucelle Léa Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:39 pm

The last weekend I have to play on Sunday against St Lyphard. It was a championship match. Knowing that I was not still in the club when it has had the first leg there I knew not at all the team against who we played. In first half we quickly have put a goal. And then it has had a fault on me there which made me many laugh. There is a center which arrives on two opponents. I leave to go to the duel and one walk on the foot what prevents me from jumping. (Under normal circumstances there is fault) and the arbitrator comes towards me and he tells me "at the same time it is you who go" there. I wanted to tell him at the same time if I go there not we can take ourselves a goal. In the second half-time we put back three goal what gives the final score of four to zero. I do not have had a lot of work to be made on this match but I think that I would have more the next weekend of it because we play in section against Saumur.

Vaucelle Léa

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Join date : 2015-02-11

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My match of the weekend Empty Re: My match of the weekend

Post by Admin Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:38 pm

Good win.

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