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Group D discussion topic 2

Marceau Jarrossay
Yohana Dumont
Gaborit Valentin
Clémentine Canon
Brian Coudert
Johan Mary
Penalva Théo
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Post by Admin Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:02 am

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité is the motto of France. How much does it reflect the France that you know? Minimum of 50 words.

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Post by Penalva Théo Fri Sep 28, 2018 12:22 pm

Hello John,
"Liberty, Egality, Fraternity" is the motto of the french Republic. You can read this three words as soon as when you take out in the street. They reflect principles of this country who lead the population. They was united during the French Revolution in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 26 August 1789.

So liberty is the symbol of the ending of injustice, the man are fair today. But Equality and Liberty since Fraternity are a country who each person think oneself. Finally these three words must go hand in hand.

Penalva Théo

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Post by Johan Mary Sat Sep 29, 2018 2:08 pm

Hello the Best,
"Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" are 3 words that I hear since I was a child...
Concerning Liberty, that is true I mean that in France we have some freedom in own choice.
For Fraternity, I disagree because for me everyone must respect each other, and this is not the case in our country (racism, homophobia ...).
And to finish, I think Equality is not totally what's needed in France but more the equity/rightness.
Equality : everyone have same things
Equity : everyone have things according to his needs.
But it's the same thing for the world not just for France...
Johan Mary
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Post by Brian Coudert Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:27 pm

Hello John,
"Liberté, égalité, fraternité" are 3 words very important in France, these words represent the population of the country."Liberté" represent the laws in France which allow the liberty because all of people must feel in security. This word means all of people can express it freely. For "Egalité", in front of the laws everybody is equal. There must be no injustice. And for finish the word "Fraternité" represent the France because when people is in difficult the others have to help him.
These 3 words must be respected for the good.

Brian Coudert

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Post by Clémentine Canon Sun Sep 30, 2018 11:15 pm

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité i the motto of French Republic.Those are words that we can read in many documents, in order to remind them of the different individuals in our society. Nevertheless we can also find this motto in our streets. It reflects the principles of our society.

Firstly, through this motto, we are reminded that people, those are beaten to be a people who is not dependent on someone, to stop injustice. Society is more just today.

Secondly, this motto remobilise in individuals, the idea of ​​equality which is the principle that all must be treated in the same way, to avoid conflicts. However in today's society, the differences are still too much present.

Finally, in a third time, the fraternity reflects the solidarity of our society which unites us through various events. These three words do not go one without the others, they are united

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Post by Mathis FARDIN Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:01 pm

This motto, means that people may be egal, whatever their differences. But it is a motto, and will never be a reality. In France people are always fighting to make this motto be more than words, but a true lifestyle in France.
It is not the case today, but it's better than yesterday and will be better tomorrow.
"Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" has been the national motto since 1848. In 170 years, this motto is everyday more a symbol in France and people fight to keep it respected as possible as they can, in order to live better and not be discriminated or excluded for any differences.


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Post by Gaborit Valentin Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:28 pm

Wtf!!!! This topic is complicated I don't know what I can say about that!!!
Liberté, this motto it's when you are free but in the French republic for respect this motto you have law and duties, if you respect that and the rules you'r considered free.
Egalité, just this motto it's for say all people white, black, yellow, rich, poor, ... are considered equal for the eyes of the French republic, they have the same law and duties.

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Post by SERE Hugo Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:47 pm

Hello mister COX,
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité is the motto of France. Liberty, in this land we have many right and duty,
A being free of right is recognized by its rights and its homework, he is defined by it as free human.
Equality, a being free of right is equal with another human, is different by the vision of human (it's discrimination) not by the land or the laws.
Fraternity, because we are all human, we must help everybody, we need of every us.
Every humans respecting this, are  honest, fair and true civilians.
Yes with the time we have abandoned this notion but this is not lost.


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Post by Yohana Dumont Wed Oct 03, 2018 9:47 am

Hello John !
For me, the French currency represents at France his secularism with egality and it show the egality between men or women even if it's not still completely the case. For sometimes, with the attentats, we aren't free because normaly in France, we have the liberty of expression and many others liberty but, with the exemple of "Charlie Hebdo", we havn't got this liberty. But In France we try to keep liberties because it reflects our currency. But for me, in France we can't speak about Fraternité, because the French people don't solidarity with each other. We can see, with the government, that the French are personnals and selfish.

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Post by Honorine Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:03 am

"Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" is the motto of the France.
How much does it reflect the France that you know?
France is represented throught this three words. She focuses on this motto for build laws to live in community and respect. It was created in 1848, it is the very symbol of the French Republic. Freedomp means that every man is free from there choices. Equality shows that all men are equal in nature and that the low is the same for everyone. Finally, fraternity represents solidarity and respect for everyone.
However, we are really free when we using social networks ? Is equality respected when there is still discrimination against women ?


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Post by Marceau Jarrossay Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:02 pm

Hello John,

In fact, for me it's the reflect of society, of my society because I frequent everybody, all colors, all religions, hetero, gay, old persons, young people, poor, rich... and for me a racist is not a friend. But, I can't say there is a total egality in france, there are lot of budget's difference, between the poor and the rich, but I'm sure there is fraternity, not everywhere but exists. Long live to the mix !

Marceau Jarrossay.

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Post by Benjamin Boux Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:24 pm

for me the France have a big heart and wear well the 3 words, even if there are still some problems, there is no high society or low society, there is a large part of the population in an average slice even if there are still a lot of poor people.

fraternity:everything is set up so that everyone feels that has left and integrated so I think that even if it creates advantages or disadvantages France is open.

liberty I do not know what to say

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Post by GENTILHOMME Benjamin Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:46 pm

Hi John,
The freedom and the equality are put as principle in the 1st article of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789, the text which is a part of the introduction of the Constitution of the French Fifth Republic: " first Article. All the human beings are born free and equal ", text resumed in 1948 as 1st article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by adding the obligation of brotherhood: " they are endowed with reason and with consciousness and have to act the ones to the others in a spirit of brotherhood ".


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Post by Angeline Da Costa Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:54 pm


Of course "liberté, égalité, fraternité" is the motto of France and it's famous. But why ? Because in France everything is organise to help all the people to live in good conditions. Like the most poor people, can have aids to pay the medical problems. Also, we have a functioning to help everybody to find a job. Otherwise, if you loose your job, no worries you will obtain an help to win money time to find an other job.

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Post by Philomène Pagnoux Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:26 am

Liberté Egalité Fraternité is the motto of French republic. I think this three words are an ideal that France try to respect.. It was used for the first time during French revolution, and written in the 1958's Constitution. When we try to undertsand this motto, we can think that before French revolution, peasantry were considered like slaves for the king, because they have the obligation to give their crops to him. there weren't really free.. What's more, equality didn't exist. The king and his family has privileges, and fraternity didn't exist.. It is why people include this motto, to change rules and change system. But today, sens of this motto has a little changed, but French government try to respect it.

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