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An unusual sport...

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An unusual sport... Empty An unusual sport...

Post by Marion Bonnet Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:54 pm

Speedball is really a sport even if it is littlle known by the public!
In fact, it consists of a mast on which a ball hungs. The object of the game is then to hit the ball with a racket. Matches are singles or doubles.
During singles match, the ball do not pass more than twice ahead. Otherwise the opponent marks the point.
For games in double, it is the same except that players must alternate once on two.
There are even World Championship in this sport. For example, in 2006, France was in the men's final against Egypt... and France won that year !
Speedball can also be played alone. The aim this time is to hit the ball the more times in one minute. Firstly with a racket in right hand, secondly a new minute with the left hand, thirdly with two racquets in forehands only, and finally with two rackets backhand only. The number of hits of each movement is added to give the final score of the solo.

How I discovered this sport? I am part of an association that helps the DYS to re-educate whith the aim to forget their disabilities.
Indeed, DYS have eyes jumping when they focus on something and especially to read. Reeducation while playing, what's better ?
But for everybody, Speedball is only a game. However, it is a sport extremely tiring for all of them. Therefore the quotiden training is important but in moderation. In one year the product change is fantastic! cheers

So let's practice speedball !

Marion Bonnet

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An unusual sport... Empty Re: An unusual sport...

Post by Marion Bonnet Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:21 pm

Today I am going to present you an association of which I am a member : AADYS. His slogan is: « The dys are strange birds. Let's help them to stand on their own feet ». More and more children are Dyslexics.
Why am I talking about this? What relationship with the sport in your opinion?
The sport is then a reeducation of the coordination, the vision, the motricity as well as the lateralization and the reflex.
It is in this association that I discovered in particular the Tchoukball. The game is a mix of volleyball, handball and squash. The aim of the game is to score points by bouncing a ball on a trampoline that is installed at each end of the field. Two teams of seven people compete by trying to score points. A player scores a point when he threw the ball through no fault so on inclined trampoline and that it touches the ground before an opponent recovers. Each team can score equally on any of the two trampolines.
France is one of the countries member of the International Tchoukball Federation.

Marion Bonnet

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Join date : 2015-01-22

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An unusual sport... Empty Re: An unusual sport...

Post by Admin Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:15 am

I think I used to play speedball on the beach when I was a child. It's fun.

Does Sport actually help Dyslexia? I understand the principle but have there been studies showing that speedball or other games help it?

Why did you decide to join this association?

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An unusual sport... Empty Re: An unusual sport...

Post by Marion Bonnet Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:37 pm

You're right, speedball is a fun game !
This sport helps concretely children or adults with dyslexia. It helps certainly to work concentration and lateralization.
I don't know if studies show the effect of speedball on the human eye. Nevertheless, I have myself observed changes that occurred and especially the contribution it has on reading.

Before, I wanted to be a speech therapist . By chance I discovered AADYS, in which I met many experts working with children . It was very interesting to observe. So I decided to join this association to offer help to the children and to learn the practice. This is a cause that seems right to me.

Marion Bonnet

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Join date : 2015-01-22

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