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Semester 2 Week 4

amélie Reutenauer
Nina Brissonnet
corantin E
maxine navarro
Vigié Alexis
Mathilde Donguy
Marc Monot
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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Semester 2 Week 4

Post by Admin Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:57 am

The choices this week are: "Why is it raining?" or "Space".

Last edited by Admin on Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total

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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Re: Semester 2 Week 4

Post by Romain HUMBERT Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:54 pm

I'll talk about space because it's one of my favourite subject I'm so interesting by this that I can speek hours and hours with someone on this. That was my second choice of work if I wasn't accepted at STAPS.
I've watched many documentaries and videos about dark matter, black hole, wormhole, time travel that I've some sleepness nights. I'm naturally curious so I want to know everything about what's around me even in space and especially space because we don't know 80% of what it is and the biggest question to date: are we alone in the univers ? Is it possible to live on another planet ? How fast the univers expens ?
So many questions that I have and that can't be answed and I think if I don't use my overdeveloped intellect in this, I will never had the answers before I die unfortunately.


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Post by Dorian MIMAUD Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:32 am

I'm going to tell you about space. In the system solar we have eight planete. Mercure, Venus, The Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus and Neptune but if we are american we have Pluton in more. This is all we know in the space with black hole and other system solar. We know there are many system solar but we can't know if there is an other extraterrestrial life.
For me if we are discovered before to discover an extraterrestrial life we are in the poo for the future because we don't have the best technologie.
For me if we are discovered before to discover an extraterrestrial lifewe are in the poo for the future because we don't have the best technologie. We can't know what will they can do if they discover us.
But we have Mister Cox so we're afraid of nothing.


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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Re: Semester 2 Week 4

Post by Marc Monot Sun Feb 07, 2021 11:19 am

I would like to talk about space! It's not I don't like the subject "Why is it raining" but I'm not got so I can't tell why^^
So space, that would like say lot of subject! I very like space like the solar system : I think it's very interesting, I feel very small when I look at the sky. I love this feeling, because all of my problems disappear. I think about lot of subject and for me look at the sky to see the space it very relaxing.
I can speak about the other space so a place with lot of space. I love have space like go to the forest and be alone with lot of space. I think it's very important for me to have space and specially space in nature. I don't very like the street, I feel oppress.
So it can be Space or space, I very like the both!!

Marc Monot

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Post by Mathilde Donguy Sun Feb 07, 2021 12:00 pm

Instead, I will mention the theme of space because the phenomenon of rain is not really my cup of tea. I don’t know much about it except depressions and anticyclones. I like the theme of space especially the different space missions, it’s very impressive. What is most impressive are the black holes: they appear when a star lacks energy. At the moment, it is impossible to know what is in a black hole.
Above all, what is weird is to say to yourself that space is infinite, there is no limit, it is infinitely large.

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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Space

Post by Vigié Alexis Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:10 pm

For this week, I will talk about space since this subject is for me a fascinating subject and also vast. This is a subject that generally interests all people who are curious because we think we know everything about space but we ignore a lot of things, that's what makes this subject interesting. In addition we can make a link with the subject of last weekend which was cinema, the subject of space has inspired a lot of directors and in general most of the films created on this subject become very quickly popular such as "Gravity" or "Interstellar". What makes this subject attractive is that we always want to know more about the unknown and suddenly the space has many parts of the unknown.

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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Space

Post by Gaëtan GARCIA Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:28 am

Let's talk about space! or try at least...
Space has been the biggest scientific concern for centuries. Even with the new technologies we don't really know what is in space. There are thousands of questions about space, how was it created or what's in it for instance. The few theories we have are extremely brittle. Indeed, the study of space is the hardest thing to do. How can we explain things happening at billion kilometers from us. Moreover science programs represent a huge investment from the state, private investors and are very long to achieve.
They are a lot of issues about space. To my mind it is the main cause of concern of the human beeing especially because space is often related to god.
I don't think I will live enough time to know the answers about space but I hope that this mystery will be solve.


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Post by maxine navarro Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:29 am

Hello, today I’m going to talk to you about space. Six years ago, I was able to go on a trip to Guyana with my mother. I was able to go into the jungle and sleep there but I also went to Cayenne to see the Ariane rocket premises. Then we could see his lag,which was pretty dazzling. All night long I could look at the stars thinking about that rocket gone into the solar system. Two years later, I had as a birthday present a star that bears my name with its location and I can even rage it with an astronomical bezel

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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Re: Semester 2 Week 4

Post by Admin Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:32 am

maxine navarro wrote:Hello, today I’m going to talk to you about space. Six years ago, I was able to go on a trip to Guyana with my mother. I was able to go into the jungle and sleep there but I also went to Cayenne to see the Ariane rocket premises. Then we could see his lag,which was pretty dazzling. All night long I could look at the stars thinking about that rocket gone into the solar system. Two years later, I had as a birthday present a star that bears my name with its location and I can even rage it with an astronomical bezel

So you are a star.

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Post by Sarah LAVIGNON NASRI Tue Feb 23, 2021 3:24 pm

I will speak about "Space" but I'm not really really on the subject... I never really cared about it. I just remember when I was little, I got a telescope as a gift, but one of the telescopes for children that don't really work... But I love the nights when the sky is starry, I find it beautiful ! And I know one of the brightest and most showy stars is the Shepherd's Star (after the Sun and the Moon), and it's in fact the planet Venus. Also, my little sister's name is "Sohane", her name means in Arabic "the Big Dipper".


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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Re: Semester 2 Week 4

Post by corantin E Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:44 pm

What Space talk about you? The space who represent the univers, planets, this space amazing vast. Or the space who we surround, the environment we live in. The two are link because we environment is part of solar system, who is so tiny than rest of the infinite univer. We don't no the limit of univer, or where she is.
Are you a part of think  because the big bang took place somewhere.

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Post by Julia Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:59 pm

I don't really know what to talk about in relation to space, because this word can have several meanings just as important to Man. There is the space of the sky, with the universe around us. There are natural spaces, travel... There are also living spaces in a house, with the ones you prefer. But also when we are overwhelmed by work, or family problems, friendly ..., we need space and get away a bit from it all.


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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Re: Semester 2 Week 4

Post by Nina Brissonnet Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:33 am

today I am going to talk about Space, this subject is not a subject that I really master but the question "why it rains" is really not easy.
I love watching the stars especially in the summer. I have already seen them with a telescope with my uncle who is passionate about stars, planets ... He explained a lot of things to me but I must have been 10 years old when we talked about it so I don't remember not so much.

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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Re: Semester 2 Week 4

Post by amélie Reutenauer Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:39 pm

I'm going to talk about space, it’s a subject I’m passionate about.
it starts with an evening when you look at the starry sky and you realize that you are so small in an infinite space. Space is something incredible because man knows only a tiny part of it, which means that most things remain to be discovered while things already discovered are also constantly evolving. Extraterrestrial life is something much awaited and sought after since it is very likely that there is life elsewhere. The stars that surround us are quite crazy, they all have different characteristics, different colors and even functions specific to each one. Between the different stars, the different planets and the many celestial objects that surround us.space remains a subject that looks to the future since more and more companies are embarking on the conquest of these unknown territories and this prepares for all eventualities as for example France which has transformed its air force into air force and space even though... we don’t really work until the

amélie Reutenauer

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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Re: Semester 2 Week 4

Post by Admin Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:42 am

amélie Reutenauer wrote:I'm going to talk about space, it’s a subject I’m passionate about.
it starts with an evening when you look at the starry sky and you realize that you are so small in an infinite space. Space is something incredible because man knows only a tiny part of it, which means that most things remain to be discovered while things already discovered are also constantly evolving. Extraterrestrial life is something much awaited and sought after since it is very likely that there is life elsewhere. The stars that surround us are quite crazy, they all have different characteristics, different colors and even functions specific to each one. Between the different stars, the different planets and the many celestial objects that surround us.space remains a subject that looks to the future since more and more companies are embarking on the conquest of these unknown territories and this prepares for all eventualities as for example France which has transformed its air force into air force and space even though... we don’t really work until the

Until the.... To be continued?

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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Re: Semester 2 Week 4

Post by Elisa VINCENT Sat Feb 27, 2021 12:13 pm

Space is a very broad subject but so interesting! Indeed, we don't talk about it often enough in space school but it's something extraordinary. It's crazy to think that we are nothing, very small facing the scale of the universe in which we live. I am convinced that there are still many things that have not been discovered in space, other planets still unknown to this day, other forms of life similar to humans or animals, insects etc. We are just dust in the face of all this. Much remains unexplained. The subject of space leads to very philosophical subjects, questioning of his whole life etc. The considerable progress made over the past centuries is incredible, rockets, robots and everything that has been sent into space.


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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Re: Semester 2 Week 4

Post by Morgane piaugeard Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:12 am

I'm going to talk about space, I find this subject interesting.
space has always amazed both adults and children.
becoming a cosmonaut is a dream of many children.
we do not imagine that another world exists in the galaxy or even in the universe and yet if the universe is so large and infinite that we could even think that other lives exist apart from human beings, full questions arise on infinite space and these questions still remain unanswered, so it makes you dream.

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Semester 2 Week 4 Empty Space ?

Post by Pierre JEUDI Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:55 pm

I am going to talk about space, which is a subject as interesting as it is vague and dense. We all know the basics of space like the different planets but also the sun and some stars. But a lot of question arises, how vast is there any other form of life in space? I hope that one day we can answer these many questions that many of my people are asking.

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Post by valentin.faydel Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:32 pm

Since I was a child I like space. I don't realy know why but this big and unknow location havecaught my attention. It's probably because I wan't to know every things, mystery in this wolrd. I don't realy wan't to go in the space but I wan't to know his real origin, his end his law. I realy want to know all the knoledge of this world, not just human knoledge but even what we don't know.


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