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Week 4 discussion

julia durand
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Week 4 discussion Empty Week 4 discussion

Post by Admin Wed Oct 12, 2022 12:46 pm

Unpopular opinions.

I'm looking forward to this.

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Week 4 discussion Empty Re: Week 4 discussion

Post by Kcuedari Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:29 am

Today's topic is really interesting and I'm sure it will open many debates in class. If not in our class, surely in the other group 😂 . I want to share three underrated opinions that I find interesting and entertaining. The first one is:
1) Making the bed is a pointless job.
I totally agree. I've never understood why people make the bed when they're going to lie down again at dinner. I understand the case when there will be guests at home and we are somehow “obliged” to do it, but in other cases hmmm 🤔 …. Well to me , it’s just a pointless chore and a waste of time.(Although we are talking just for one or two minutes here 😅).
The one which stresses me the most is :
2) Staying friends with your exes is fine and healthy.
At this point , I'm like what the hell 🤯 🤯 🤯... I just don’t understand how some people can pretend to be friends after the breakup. For god's sake ,how can you see that person as a friend, when basically you shared everything before ?!!!!! It's just impossible ,weird and makes no sense to me.
This one it's kind of funny for me but I'm pretty sure that will open a lot of controversy as well.
3) In a relationship, the boyfriend can be shorter than his girlfriend.
I don’t agree with this unpopular opinion at all. I even thought it was written by a short guy, to feel good about himself. I will probably seem superficial and prejudiced, but do you know what’s my problem with this logic? I think the boy MUST be taller and stronger cuz he's the one who MUST protect his girl, but if he's shorter, his girl MUST step up and take his role. If this was a popular opinion, my romantic fantasies (based on romantic novels) would be shattered.


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Week 4 discussion Empty

Post by EliseB Sat Oct 15, 2022 8:15 pm

Unpopular opinion: I really like tecktonik


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Week 4 discussion Empty Re: Week 4 discussion

Post by selma Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:24 am

Here are some of my unpopular opinions (it's really random I know sorry):

- The mixture of goat cheese and honey makes me want to throw up, the smell alone is just horrible  No .
- I stopped watching Peaky blinders because I was bored.
- Summer is the worst season: it is too hot and there are too many mosquitoes (the only good thing is the summer holidays). Autumn and its gloomy weather are the best.
- I don't like parties.
- Kangaroos are one of the scariest animals: did you know that their claws could tear you apart? That’s why I’ll never go to Australia even if I'm paid to do so.
- Shows and movies that end badly are the best (I suffered emotional damage this weekend watching Man in Love on Netflix, excellent but heartbreaking).
- Andrew Garfield is the best Spiderman.
- I am sorry but I think Brigitte Macron is a paedophile.


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Week 4 discussion Empty Re: Week 4 discussion

Post by Admin Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:31 am

selma wrote:Here are some of my unpopular opinions (it's really random I know sorry):

- The mixture of goat cheese and honey makes me want to throw up, the smell alone is just horrible  No .
- I stopped watching Peaky blinders because I was bored.
- Summer is the worst season: it is too hot and there are too many mosquitoes (the only good thing is the summer holidays). Autumn and its gloomy weather are the best.
- I don't like parties.
- Kangaroos are one of the scariest animals: did you know that their claws could tear you apart? That’s why I’ll never go to Australia even if I'm paid to do so.
- Shows and movies that end badly are the best (I suffered emotional damage this weekend watching Man in Love on Netflix, excellent but heartbreaking).
- Andrew Garfield is the best Spiderman.
- I am sorry but I think Brigitte Macron is a paedophile.

Goat's cheese stinks full stop.
Last 2 series of Peaky blinders were poor, agreed
Autumn is depressing, Spring is the best time of the year. summer is fine in the UK.

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Week 4 discussion Empty The devil dish of winter

Post by julia durand Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:49 pm

Hi everyone !
I had a little bit of trouble to find an unpopular opinion. But as the season of winted is coming I thought of a special french dish that we eat while it’s cold and rainy outside : La tartiflette. You can ask almost all the french and they’ll tell you that it’s really good and they loveeeee it. But like we said before, today we are gonna talk about unpopular opinion, so I don’t agree with the fact that tratiflette is good. I don’t hate that but I don’t understand why people are crazy about it. I think it’s to much potatoes and the cheese is not the best one (I’m team raclette btw). I think the worst thing in this dish is the lardons. OMG I hate that and even more when they are really fat. To conclude I have to eat this every winter because people thinks everyone loves that but NOOOOOOOO !
Week 4 discussion Tartif10

julia durand

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Week 4 discussion Empty Re: Week 4 discussion

Post by Admin Sun Oct 16, 2022 4:28 pm

Both raclette and tartiflette are horrible

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Week 4 discussion Empty Some of my unpopular opinions :

Post by Elise Sun Oct 16, 2022 6:33 pm

- We say “pain au chocolat” AND NOT “chocolatine”
- I don't like to change friends, partners, situations like this new generation who always want everything... why change when you have already found something great just to see something else?
- I don't like to drink to excess at parties like most young people just to get drunk
- Summer is not that great, it's too hot, too many mosquitoes, we are always tired. I much prefer spring, the flowers are appearing again, it smells great, it's nice and we're getting out of the winter depression
- I prefer the countryside to the big cities. It's so much quieter, more relaxing and pleasant. There are too many people in the cities, it doesn't smell good. I'd rather be alone in front of a mountain than on asphalt looking at ugly buildings in a street that smells of rubbish and urine.
- I think the most important thing in life is love and family. Money does not bring the greatest wealth.

Elise D ✿


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Week 4 discussion Empty Re: Week 4 discussion

Post by cgadouas Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:19 pm

This is some of my unpopular opinions:

-Star wars is (really really) boring —> (tried several times to watch it, my brother and father tried to put me in front of our tv to make me watch it but I’v never could bear this torture until the end)

-Make up is NOOOOOOOOOT for anyone’s gaze and especially NOT FOR the males gaze like c’mon 💀

-Potatoes are not good at all

-Popcorn is completely useless (expensive and you’re still hungry after eating it)

-Art classes were actually very important to develop our imagination and creativity + in school we should have classes about "life lessons" like how to do your taxes and so on (or at least in option or whatever)

-BOTW is actually one of the best Zelda (sorry not sorry)

-I don’t get the hype for Zendaya and Tom Holland’s relationship (they’re still cute tho)

-Just because you wear luxury doesn't mean you're stylish

-La Joconde is OVERRATED (there are so many more impressive paintings -If I was a foreigner visiting Le Louvre I would be so pissed omg-)

-You don’t have to respect the elders and authority figures (parents…) if they don’t respect you: respect is mutual.


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Week 4 discussion Empty Re: Week 4 discussion

Post by Admin Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:42 pm

cgadouas wrote:This is some of my unpopular opinions:

-Star wars is (really really) boring —> (tried several times to watch it, my brother and father tried to put me in front of our tv to make me watch it but I’v never could bear this torture until the end)

-Make up is NOOOOOOOOOT for anyone’s gaze and especially NOT FOR the males gaze like c’mon 💀

-Potatoes are not good at all

-Popcorn is completely useless (expensive and you’re still hungry after eating it)

-Art classes were actually very important to develop our imagination and creativity + in school we should have classes about "life lessons" like how to do your taxes and so on (or at least in option or whatever)

-BOTW is actually one of the best Zelda (sorry not sorry)

-I don’t get the hype for Zendaya and Tom Holland’s relationship (they’re still cute tho)

-Just because you wear luxury doesn't mean you're stylish

-La Joconde is OVERRATED (there are so many more impressive paintings -If I was a foreigner visiting Le Louvre I would be so pissed omg-)

-You don’t have to respect the elders and authority figures (parents…) if they don’t respect you: respect is mutual.

I love Star Wars.

I love potatoes

Popcorn is only good for the caramel.

Art classes were boring and elitist but I agree with "life classes".

Zelda study

Who cares about celebrities?

I couldn't be stylish even if I lived with JP Gaultier

Mona Lisa was really small and we ran through the louvre just to see that before it closed.

You can respect what someone does without respecting the person.

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Week 4 discussion Empty Chips and lovers <3

Post by efobert Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:57 pm

Hello everybody!
Today, the subject is Unpopulers Opinions. I didn't have many idea. But I chose some opinion in bulk.

I don't like eating chips for picnics. It's so savours and dry for me it's not a meal.I can't eat a whole packet of chips. After my mouth is salt and dry then I search a bottel of water or other food to dilute the taste of salt. I find no interest to eat them. The worst is vinegar chips. I have the impression to drink the jar of whole gherkins. It's just disgusting.

I think flirting is not just for men. Woman can choose with whom she wants to be. If you don't show your interest for this man. He will not know than you interest him.
It's better choose the boy you like than to be chosen by the moron or the toad.

I think romance in love is so cute and cool. It didn't demystify. It is a way of showing love to your partner.

On the other hand now it has become a very funny anecdote.  lol!
I wish you a good day.  See you next week for a new story of my life.  flower
Elise F


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Week 4 discussion Empty Re: Week 4 discussion

Post by EliseB Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:45 pm

cgadouas wrote:This is some of my unpopular opinions:

-Star wars is (really really) boring —> (tried several times to watch it, my brother and father tried to put me in front of our tv to make me watch it but I’v never could bear this torture until the end)

-Make up is NOOOOOOOOOT for anyone’s gaze and especially NOT FOR the males gaze like c’mon 💀

-Potatoes are not good at all

-Popcorn is completely useless (expensive and you’re still hungry after eating it)

-Art classes were actually very important to develop our imagination and creativity + in school we should have classes about "life lessons" like how to do your taxes and so on (or at least in option or whatever)

-BOTW is actually one of the best Zelda (sorry not sorry)

-I don’t get the hype for Zendaya and Tom Holland’s relationship (they’re still cute tho)

-Just because you wear luxury doesn't mean you're stylish

-La Joconde is OVERRATED (there are so many more impressive paintings -If I was a foreigner visiting Le Louvre I would be so pissed omg-)

-You don’t have to respect the elders and authority figures (parents…) if they don’t respect you: respect is mutual.

but potatoes are the best food on earth


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Week 4 discussion Empty Unpopular opinion

Post by Paul Astie Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:21 pm

Star wars and starstreck are not the best space univers franchise.

The Jedi code is just completly wrong and made of idiotic rules.

It's Chocolatine and not pain au chocolat. t's not le coffre it's la malle.

Rugby is better than soccer. Rugby is more startegic,passionate,interresting to watch.

Traditional music and old song are cool because they carry history of their time.

Metal is not just for people with long ear and who drinks beer. He has a very large spectre of type and everyone can listen .

Everything going terrible for our planet but nobody do a things. The same and exact problem from thrity forthy year ago repeat and nobody do a thing.

Electric car are worst than petrol car .

Paul Astie

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Week 4 discussion Empty Cleaning is fun

Post by Julie C Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:51 pm

For this week on unpopular opinions I don't have much inspiration so I'm going to talk about cleaning: a nightmare for some, a passion for others.

I'm one of those people who love to clean and tidy, and for whom cleaning is not a chore. I think it is important to evolve daily in a clean and tidy environment, which allows you to have clearer ideas. Cleaning your home is like eating yourself. It is gratifying and satisfying to see that everything is in its place, aligned, that it smells good, that the dishes are not lying around in the sink etc.

I may have gone a bit far in saying it was a passion for some, but it's a bit of an outlet. For some it's sport, for others it's cleaning. It's great to say goodbye to clutter, to re-discover a personal space that is clean, tidy and under control.

Don't think that I spend my time cleaning Week 4 discussion 1f602 , any practice in its excess leads to excesse drifts, but don't forget the dishes in your sink Week 4 discussion 1f609

Julie C

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Week 4 discussion Empty Re: Week 4 discussion

Post by Océane Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:12 pm

This week I'm sharing some unpopular opinions with you:

-I never feel like eating a Macdo. I find that people idealize Macdo too much when their burgers aren't even good. I'd much rather make a good home-made burger.

-Running. I don't see the point of running, without a goal ... Just run and suffer??? But to go where????

-I have difficulty watching a film that lasts more than 2 hours. I'm usually bored and feel like I'm wasting my time. I especially hate science fiction and horror films.

-I think Coke tastes better when it has lost its bubbles.

-I hate sunbathing at the beach. I don't like lying on a beach towel, doing nothing and sweating from the heat, all the while damaging my skin...


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Week 4 discussion Empty Re: Week 4 discussion

Post by Admin Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:30 pm

Océane wrote:This week I'm sharing some unpopular opinions with you:

-I never feel like eating a Macdo. I find that people idealize Macdo too much when their burgers aren't even good. I'd much rather make a good home-made burger.

-Running. I don't see the point of running, without a goal ... Just run and suffer??? But to go where????

-I have difficulty watching a film that lasts more than 2 hours. I'm usually bored and feel like I'm wasting my time. I especially hate science fiction and horror films.

-I think Coke tastes better when it has lost its bubbles.

-I hate sunbathing at the beach. I don't like lying on a beach towel, doing nothing and sweating from the heat, all the while damaging my skin...

Agree on McDonalds and Running, don't watch many films but a good film is a good film however long, hate coke, hate sunbathing and lying on a towel.

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Week 4 discussion Empty Re: Week 4 discussion

Post by Admin Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:34 pm

Paul Astie wrote:Star wars and starstreck are not the best space univers franchise.

The Jedi code is just completly wrong and made of idiotic rules.

It's Chocolatine and not pain au chocolat. t's not le coffre it's la malle.

Rugby is better than soccer. Rugby is more startegic,passionate,interresting to watch.

Traditional music and old song are cool because they carry history of their time.

Metal is not just for people with long ear and who drinks beer. He has a very large spectre of type and everyone can listen .

Everything going terrible for our planet but nobody do a things. The same and exact problem from thrity forthy year ago repeat and nobody do a thing.

Electric car are worst than petrol car .

I like star wars and star trek, Jedi is just a story about Good v Evil. in reality we are all differing shades of bad (Don't think Evil exists), Pain au Chocolat, rugby & football are both good just different, folk music is good, I like Metal, especially prog metal, your planet is doomed, I'd have an electric car if I was given a decent one.

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