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Group 1 discussion 6

Emma Galan
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Group 1 discussion 6 Empty Group 1 discussion 6

Post by Emma Galan Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:23 pm

If you could revive one celebrity who would it be and why ?


What concert do you dream of going to and why?
Emma Galan
Emma Galan

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Group 1 discussion 6 Empty Re: Group 1 discussion 6

Post by Emma Galan Mon Nov 14, 2022 7:47 pm

For the moment, I don't have any specific concert I dream of going to because I attended my dream concert last month !!!! I've already told you about my curse with concerts: as soon as I like a concert, I can't go or it's cancelled. 3 years ago, I had to go see one of my favourite bands (if not my favourite) who never plays in France because of their lack of popularity here. But bad luck, the weekend I was supposed to go to Paris, the Sncf went on strike. As a result there weren’t any trains for the weekend. I was really disappointed and I was even more sad when I learned that my Dutch friend whom I had not been able to see for a long time was attending this same concert. After that, AJR (band name) did not announce a new tour until the beginning of the year. At first I hadn't planned to participate since it was a Sunday evening and I didn't want to miss the lessons (I didn't even know if I had lessons at that time). Finally, I talked about it to a very good friend and a few days before the start of the school year he sent me an email with a concert ticket for AJR. He had indeed offered me the place of my dreams so obviously I couldn't say no. He also offered me the roof and the lodging for the weekend. I can tell you that it was one of the best weekends of my life. I spent all Saturday enjoying my sister and my nephews who also live in Paris and all Sunday with my friend. Besides, we had lunch in a very good Italian restaurant and during dessert one of the singers sat down at the table just behind mine. Of all the restaurants in Paris, he had to come to this one ! I was so happy to see him irl but I didn’t want to annoy him … and yet my friend forced me to talk to him ! He was so friendly I couldn’t believe it. Anyways, the show was amazing as was the audience !!! This was definitely the best show of my life !
Emma Galan
Emma Galan

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Post by Léonie Tue Nov 15, 2022 11:32 am

If I could revive one celebrity, I think it would be Michael Jackson. His songs were so great and love by so many people in the world, I believe it would be amazing to make him alive again in order for him to continue his concerts, create new songs... Also, maybe we would finally know the truth about pedophile accusations against him...

Concerts I dream about going would first be concerts of DJs like DJ Snake, David Guetta... Or maybe some electro/techno festivals during summer to enjoy it all night, such as a great party.


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Post by Admin Tue Nov 15, 2022 2:15 pm

It would be easy to combine these two subjects for me. But then who would I revive from the dead to play a concert?

old crooners like Bing Crosby or Nat King Cole, 60's rock stars like Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Marc Bolan. Student icons like Ian Curtis , Lou Reed, Sid Vicious.

in the end I narrowed it down to 3. 80's Billy Mackenzie because of his incredible poperatic range:

Though I much prefer:

but finally I decided it has to be David Bowie:

because of how he changed the world for LGB in the early 70's

and of course the greatest showman ever Freddie Mercury:

Thankfully Bowie and Mercury recorded together so here's my dead musician's concert:


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Group 1 discussion 6 Empty dream concert

Post by SARAH ROI Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:11 am

I'm not that big on concert lol but I've seen one of my fav artists on Monday : lil nas x, it was really fun, we could call it as us French people would say "un show à l'américaine". He changed outfits at least 5 times lol so it was interesting and the scenery was really great.
All in all great memories and a great time, also he's even more ripped in real life and like how is that possible ????


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Post by nmahtaj Wed Nov 16, 2022 12:29 pm

If you could revive one celebrity I'll choose Marvin Gaye. He's one of my favourite artisits, he's also called the "Prince of Soul". My favourite Marvins song is What's Going On, I discoverd that song when I was a kid, and I 've already known how my music taste looks like. I invite you to listen to his music and I'm sure that you will really like it


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Post by Jason MASSIMINO Wed Nov 16, 2022 12:40 pm

my post wasn't sent so I'm trying again. Beyonce is preparing her next world tour so I can tell I'll be there. Also this year I missed the Lorde's world tour and I want to kill myself for that.


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