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Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Mélanie Pecchio
Emma Galan
Amélia TLILI
Marina Boisedu
Lacombe Pauline
Lucas Lesade
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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Julien LUCAS Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:22 pm

The next thing i want to buy is a second screen for my computer to do 2 thing at the same time. But i have all my life to buy this and it's not really important for the moment.

So the next thing i'm gonna buy is probably food thursday because we have to go at "Espace franquin" to listen some conferences and i can't go back to my apartment to eat at noon.

Julien LUCAS

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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Emma Brancourt Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:34 pm

Well the subject doesn't inspire me too much, I don't really have anything to buy at the moment so I'm going to share my shopping list with you as I'm going tomorrow after the class. I need :
- crushed tomatoes
- minced meat
- chili spices
- red beans
- onions and garlic
(now you have the recipe to make chili con carne)

Emma Brancourt

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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by GrégoryB Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:05 pm

My next purchase, apart from food shopping, will be several video games (Persona 5, Bayonetta 3 and the next Pokémon) which will be released soon, but in pre-order to get the limited collector's versions. And that's to have even more items that I'll only look at once and will take up space for nothing just because I'm weak against this kind of product. But some of them become more valuable over time.


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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Hanae Khallouk Temsamani Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:49 pm

Sooo, what about me ?
I always spend my money on 2 things : food and clothes.
But let me be more creative this time : honestly lately i'm starting to think about buying a PC gamer, because why not ? I like playing on video games but i'm so lazy to do it, so maybe if I buy the material i will be invested Smile  

And let me jump into Lucas rats, I'm really sorry but the picture is awful, i'm judging you right now Rolling Eyes At least you could get hamsters, they are cuter...

Hanae Khallouk Temsamani

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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Admin Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:05 am

LéaC wrote:I'd like the next thing I buy to be a good backpack, comfortable, not too ugly but above all practical.
Except I'm too lazy to do any research, so the next thing I'll probably buy is warm socks and tights, because winter's gonna be tough (and because no matter how many I buy every year, I lose them).

Just to get back to Lucas and his rats, why 4??

whiskey loves socks

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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Admin Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:06 am

Marina Boisedu wrote:
LéaC wrote:I'd like the next thing I buy to be a good backpack, comfortable, not too ugly but above all practical.
Except I'm too lazy to do any research, so the next thing I'll probably buy is warm socks and tights, because winter's gonna be tough (and because no matter how many I buy every year, I lose them).

Just to get back to Lucas and his rats, why 4??

I think it's because they die from loneliness if they're alone

Really? I never knew that.

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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Admin Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:08 am

Lucas Lesade wrote:
LéaC wrote:I'd like the next thing I buy to be a good backpack, comfortable, not too ugly but above all practical.
Except I'm too lazy to do any research, so the next thing I'll probably buy is warm socks and tights, because winter's gonna be tough (and because no matter how many I buy every year, I lose them).

Just to get back to Lucas and his rats, why 4??
Originally i planed to get 2 but the person that were selling them had 2 more because some people didnt respected their commitment, when i was to the person's house, she put them all 4 into my hands and they started lick my hands, climb on my shoulders etc, they were too cute and i didnt wanted to seperate 4 brothers, so i took them all, and since i got a cage big enough to fit 5-6 rats, it wasn't a problem.
But yeah you should always take 2 roddents otherwise they develop depression, except hamster

Are you sure they are all male? Otherwise your cage needs to be big enough for 10, 20

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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Admin Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:11 am

Julien LUCAS wrote:The next thing i want to buy is a second screen for my computer to do 2 thing at the same time. But i have all my life to buy this and it's not really important for the moment.

So the next thing i'm gonna buy is probably food thursday because we have to go at "Espace franquin" to listen some conferences and i can't go back to my apartment to eat at noon.

Leboncoin/relay mondial. always some cheap but good buys available.

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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Admin Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:12 am

GrégoryB wrote:My next purchase, apart from food shopping, will be several video games (Persona 5, Bayonetta 3 and the next Pokémon) which will be released soon, but in pre-order to get the limited collector's versions. And that's to have even more items that I'll only look at once and will take up space for nothing just because I'm weak against this kind of product. But some of them become more valuable over time.

Maybe after you are dead.

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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Admin Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:14 am

Hanae Khallouk Temsamani wrote:Sooo, what about me ?
I always spend my money on 2 things : food and clothes.
But let me be more creative this time : honestly lately i'm starting to think about buying a PC gamer, because why not ? I like playing on video games but i'm so lazy to do it, so maybe if I buy the material i will be invested Smile  

And let me jump into Lucas rats, I'm really sorry but the picture is awful, i'm judging you right now Rolling Eyes At least you could get hamsters, they are cuter...

But not so intelligent or active.

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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Lucas Lesade Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:56 am

Admin wrote:
Lucas Lesade wrote:
LéaC wrote:I'd like the next thing I buy to be a good backpack, comfortable, not too ugly but above all practical.
Except I'm too lazy to do any research, so the next thing I'll probably buy is warm socks and tights, because winter's gonna be tough (and because no matter how many I buy every year, I lose them).

Just to get back to Lucas and his rats, why 4??
Originally i planed to get 2 but the person that were selling them had 2 more because some people didnt respected their commitment, when i was to the person's house, she put them all 4 into my hands and they started lick my hands, climb on my shoulders etc, they were too cute and i didnt wanted to seperate 4 brothers, so i took them all, and since i got a cage big enough to fit 5-6 rats, it wasn't a problem.
But yeah you should always take 2 roddents otherwise they develop depression, except hamster

Are you sure they are all male? Otherwise your cage needs to be big enough for 10, 20

Yeah they are all males, it's easy to see on rats
Lucas Lesade
Lucas Lesade

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Group 1 Discussion  Week 1 - Page 2 Empty Re: Group 1 Discussion Week 1

Post by Lucas Lesade Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:59 am

Hanae Khallouk Temsamani wrote:Sooo, what about me ?
I always spend my money on 2 things : food and clothes.
But let me be more creative this time : honestly lately i'm starting to think about buying a PC gamer, because why not ? I like playing on video games but i'm so lazy to do it, so maybe if I buy the material i will be invested Smile  

And let me jump into Lucas rats, I'm really sorry but the picture is awful, i'm judging you right now Rolling Eyes At least you could get hamsters, they are cuter...

I love hamster, even they are little pieces of shits and they don't mind eat their brothers if you put them in a new area because they will fight to own it, but I will get some Syrian hamster later on.
Btw domestic rats are actually way more cleaner than any cats or dogs, breaking stereotypes Wink
Lucas Lesade
Lucas Lesade

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